File talk:International reaction to the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.png

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This file is completely incoherent with statements made by the countries shown. Simply from the Wikipedia article:

  • USA: The U.S. called for an immediate cease-fire, including the termination of rocket attacks against Israel, also asking that the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza be addressed.
  • France: "firmly condemns the irresponsible provocations that have led to this situation, as well as the disproportionate use of force"
  • Germany: German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has told Hamas to end what he called its "unacceptable" rocket attacks on Israel, while urging the Jewish state to do everything it could to avoid civilian casualties.
  • Norway: Norway's Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has said that using warplanes against Gaza is unacceptable, as it is impossible to separate civilians from soldiers in this small area. He also says that Hamas must cease the launching of rockets into Southern Israel
  • Sweden: Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (...) also said that he hopes both sides will stop the bombings. He also stated that the current isolation of Gaza should end, calling it "counterproductive" for the Israeli side. Bildt says that Hamas should have agreed to a continued cease-fire agreement.
  • Finland: The Israeli air strikes have demanded a disproportionate amount of civilian victims and they must end immediately. Simultaneously Hamas and other extremist groups must immediately cease their rocket attacks. The parties must reinstate the truce without delay
  • Morocco: The Kingdom of Morocco calls for the immediate halt of the hostilities which, beyond the significant loss of life, exposes the region once again to escalation, violence and divisions"
  • Canada: Canada's junior foreign minister Peter Kent added on Tuesday that there must be a strong, binding resolution to the conflict. "Canada believes there must be an immediate ceasefire, but only if it's durable ceasefire, and if Hamas is prevented or is willing not to rearm and resume its terrorist rocketing at some point down the road
  • Mexico: Mexico "also rejects rockets launched from Gaza on Israeli territory".

France and Egypt have famously drafter a cease-fire proposal, and which this file fails to show.

This file should either be updated with accuracy, or be clearly marked as having no connection to reality and be improper for use in encyclopedia articles. Rama (talk) 20:56, 7 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

International reaction to the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.png

Country Notes
 Afghanistan Afghanistan on described the Israeli attacks against Palestinians in Gaza Strip as barbaric and strongly denounced it. "We strongly condemn the barbaric attacks of Israel forces against civilians and defenseless people of Palestine in Gaza strip," President Hamid Karzai's chief spokesman Hamayon Hamidzada said at a press conference.[1]
Template:Country data Albania The Ministry of Foreign Affairs "calls upon the parties for tranquility and maturity by expressing its belief that both parties will show self restrain and will turn back to bilateral discussions as the only way for the stabilisation of the situation to the benefit of the two peoples and the whole Middle East region".[2]
Template:Country data Algeria Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia said "In the name of government, I express our strong condemnation of crimes against humanity perpetrated by Israel for a week against Gaza’s people.".[3]
 Argentina The government of Argentina called for "a return to dialogue and negotiations without delay" and expressed its "deep regret" over the acts of violence taking place, urging both Israel to "end all bombings on Gaza strip" and Hamas to "end its rocket attacks on Israeli territory". The note from the Foreign Ministry also urged Israel to "allow and preserve permanently the normal flow of supplies and services to fulfill the urgent needs of the population of Gaza" and called for a truce between both parties and a return to negotiations, so that "a fair and lasting peace" could be achieved.[4]
 Armenia The Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued an statement, declaring: "We are deeply concerned about the events in Gaza Strip, during which hundreds of people have already been killed or wounded. We express hope that the violations will stop and negotiations will immediately start for the solution of all disputable issues in a peaceful way." [5]
 Australia Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said that Australia recognises Israel's right to self-defence, and that "The escalation in the conflict, following the (action by) Israeli ground forces, underlines the absolute importance of bringing about an effective diplomatic solution." He also said that "It is critical, therefore, for Israel to meet its humanitarian obligations under international humanitarian law towards the people of Gaza, ensuring that they have access to basic goods, food and humanitarian assistance and medical supplies."[6][7] A press statement from Julia Gillard, deputy Prime Minister, states "While recognising Israel’s right to defend itself from such indiscriminate attacks, the Australian Government supports the United Nations Security Council’s call for an immediate halt to all violence."[8]
Template:Country data Bangladesh Prime Minister-designate Sheikh Hasina condemned Israeli attack and called on Muslim leaders to help stop the attacks.[9]
Template:Country data Belarus The Republic of Belarus condemned the use of force "the loss of life among the peaceful population of Palestine and Israel. The conflicting parties should immediately cease hostilities and embark on handling the existing problems by way of negotiations".[10]
Template:Country data Bolivia The Bolivian government strongly condemned the Israeli air strikes of Palestinian territory of Gaza. Its statement said the successive Israeli air strikes against civilians in the Gaza Strip were crimes and the attacks represent a severe and massive violation of the International Humanitarian Law. [11]
 Brazil The Ministry of External Relations of Brazil issued the following statement: "The Brazilian Government deplores the continued disproportionate actions by the Israeli Government in the Gaza Strip, which have caused, in only 3 days, the deaths of over 300 Palestinians, many of whom were civilians and children. Brazil calls on both parties to cease mutual hostilities immediately".[12]
Template:Country data Brunei Darussalam His Majesty’s Government condemns the military action taken by Israel in Gaza that has caused the death and injury of so many innocent Palestinians. In expressing its deep regret over such disproportionate use of force against the Palestinian people, Brunei Darussalam is concerned that the deterioration of the situation in Gaza may undermine international efforts to bring about a just and peaceful solution to the conflict. His Majesty’s Government reiterates its long-standing commitment to the rule of international law under the auspices of the United Nations and adds its voice to all those calling for utmost restraint by both sides.".[13]
 Bulgaria Bulgaria's Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a statement on Sunday, which calls for cease-fire between Hamas and Israel in Gaza Strip. The statement has been announced by the institution's spokesman Dragovest Goranov. "We appeal to the both sides in the conflict avoid violence that has already took many human lives", the statement reads.[14]
 Canada Canada’s foreign affairs minister, Lawrence Cannon, also issued a statement in which he pointed to Israel’s "clear right to defend itself" against continuing attacks by militants he accused of "deliberately" targeting civilians. "First and foremost, those rocket attacks must stop. At the same time, we urge both sides to use all efforts to avoid civilian casualties and to create the conditions to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access to those in need in Gaza". Cannon also urged renewed efforts to reach a truce.[15] Canada also blamed the Hamas for the UNRWA school incident, in which 40 civilians were killed when Israeli shells hit the school.[16] Canada's junior foreign minister Peter Kent added on Tuesday that there must be a strong, binding resolution to the conflict. "Canada believes there must be an immediate ceasefire, but only if it's durable ceasefire, and if Hamas is prevented or is willing not to rearm and resume its terrorist rocketing at some point down the road.[17]
 Chile The Chilean Government formulates a call to an immediate cease of hostilities and provocations, "and deeply regrets the disproportionate use of force by Israel in the Palestinian territories. The Government of Chile reiterates its most absolute conviction that the military solution won't conduct to peace, to which Israelis as well as Palestinians have rights."[18]

In a meeting with representatives of both, Jewish and Palestinian communities in Chile, Foreign Minister Alejandro Foxley declared that "The Ministry will continue searching for a positive and constructive role. We have asked both communities, with whom we have had meetings here, moderation, and not to help to polarise matters, not escalating a conflict that through radicalisation has no solution".[19] Chilean President Michelle Bachelet defended the government's stand on the Gaza situation. "Our biggest call is to stop all actions from both sides," she said, noting Chile will spare no efforts to facilitate a "reasonable solution."[20]

 China "China expresses serious concern about the escalation of the tense situation in Gaza, denounces actions that cause injuries and deaths to ordinary people, opposes the use of military force in resolving disputes, appeals to related parties to exercise maximum restraint and to settle differences through dialogue", Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang in a statement posted on the ministry's website.[21] During an official visit to Kuwait, Vice Premier Li Keqiang said he was shocked and seriously concerned by the military operations in Gaza. Li reiterated Chinese calls for an immediate ceasefire and stressed China's support for the peace process, saying, "China supports the efforts made by all parties, especially the Arab countries, to realise a comprehensive, just peace in the region".[22]
Template:Country data Croatia Croatian President Stjepan Mesić expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence in the Middle East and said that a "solution cannot be reached with wars or shelling civilian targets in Israel, or actions by suicide bombers in which innocent people are killed without exception, or massive military retaliation operations such as the attack on Gaza. Peace and coexistence with the recognition of reality are the only perspective of the Middle East. As a country that considers itself with reason a friend of Israel, but also Arabic countries and the Palestine people, and as a member of the Security Council, Croatia expects the United Nations to undertake urgent, rational and constructive steps to prevent a further escalation of violence in the Middle East.".[23]
Template:Country data Cuba In a statement issued in Havana, the Cuban Revolutionary Government called the Israeli military operation "criminal", terming it as "the bloodiest attack Israel has ever launched against the Palestinian people".[24]
 Cyprus Both Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders condemned the violence, "Israeli forces' use of disproportionate power," and called for the immediate cease-fire.[25] In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus also emphasised the need for direct peace talks of the Israeli and Palestinian leaderships towards a comprehensive solution to the Palestinian problem, and the positive role neighboring countries can play. The Government of the Republic of Cyprus expresses its support to the Palestinian Authority and emphasises the prospect of intra-Palestinian reconciliation efforts under the mediation of Egypt, considering that there can not be a military solution to the issue of Gaza.[26]
Template:Country data Czech Republic Czech foreign affairs minister Karel Schwarzenberg said that "Israel has the right to take military action against attacks on locations where its civilians live" and that "no political dialogue is possible because of Hamas's attacks on Israeli settlements. However", Schwarzenberg also said, "it is unfortunate that the living conditions in Gaza are very bad. These conditions need to be changed in such a way that they do not make young people join radical organisations".[27] Schwarzenberg also condemned Hamas' placement of strategic military targets in densely populated areas, and hinted that this likely elevated civilian casualties.[28] Czech prime minister Mirek Topolánek, the current boss of the EU presidency, said through his spokesman for the presidency issues, Mr Jiří Potužník, that he understood the Israeli actions to be defensive in character. Pressure from some old EU member countries has led Mr Potužník to retract the statement and apologise for this actual attitude of the current EU presidency that was not allowed to become the official attitude of the EU.[29]
 Denmark In a press release, Danish Foreign Minister Per Stig Møller expressed his concerns for the escalating crisis in Gaza, saying that "The new spiral of violence in the Middle East is deeply disturbing. The spiral of violence was started by Hamas and were yesterday and today disproportionately responded upon by Israel". He also said that "Although Israel has a right to defend itself against terror and terror rockets, civilian casualties are unacceptable". According to the foreign minister, a political agreement the only way forward, concluding that "If the fighting continues, it will only favour Hamas".[30]
On January 7, Denmark has summoned the Israeli ambassador in Copenhagen in protest at attacks on clinics run by a Danish charity in Gaza.[31]
 Egypt Egypt condemned the Israeli attacks, but Egypt’s foreign minister, Ahmed Aboul Gheit, said that Egypt has long warned Hamas that this would be Israel’s response should Qassam fire continue.[32] As a result of many protests, Egypt opened up the Rafah Border Crossing to allow the wounded into Egyptian hospitals.[33] The Egyptian Ministry of Health sent 30 buses to North Sinai to help transport injured Palestinians.[34] The Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs said that Hamas does not allow the wounded Gazans to cross the borders to Egypt.[35] Egypt also deployed 500 CSF anti-riot police along the border.[36]
Template:Country data Eritrea Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying "The people and Government of Eritrea express deep and unreserved sympathy to the innocent and defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza who are currently being subjected to unacceptable atrocities. Underlining that the Bush Administration holds primary responsibility for this act, the people and Government of Eritrea hope that the incoming Barack Obama Administration would assume its historic responsibility."[37]
 Estonia Foreign Minister Urmas Paet emphasised that Estonia is calling upon Israel and the Palestinian Authority to make an effort to resume talks. "Estonia condemns Hamas's decision not to extend the cease-fire agreement and to continue using terrorist methods to achieve its goals," stressed. Also expressed concern over the violence that has erupted in the region and occasioned many civilian deaths and the destruction of buildings and structures. "We are calling for an end to all violence and the restoration of the cease-fire agreement, for currently the number of civilian victims is continuously growing".[38]
 Finland Minister Alexander Stubb, has declared that "Finland condemns the escalation of violence in Gaza and urges the parties to calm down the situation. Finland is particularly worried about the rapid deterioration of the civilian living conditions in Gaza. The Israeli air strikes have demanded a disproportionate amount of civilian victims and they must end immediately. Simultaneously Hamas and other extremist groups must immediately cease their rocket attacks. The parties must reinstate the truce without delay."[39]
 France France’s president Nicolas Sarkozy stated he "firmly condemns the irresponsible provocations that have led to this situation, as well as the disproportionate use of force".[40]

France condemned the Israeli ground offensive that was initiated on January 3. [41]

Template:Country data Gambia Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has called on "civilised members of the human race" to rise up against "this holocaust that has been unleashed on the helpless Palestinians, whose lands, human dignity and right to peaceful and dignified existence in their own country are being blatantly violated with impunity." In his new year message, President Jammeh said between 1939 and 1945, the whole world waged a war against Nazi Germany to free Jews from the holocaust being perpetrated against them. Jammeh said, however, that if Israel is carrying out similar "genocide/holocaust" against Palestinians on their soil, the international community must not allow that. "The whole world is watching with indifference while Palestinians fall victims of a brutal and inhuman occupying power that is bent on wiping them out", remarked. "This world would be a very dangerous and violent place if such blatant barbaric and genocidal behaviour is condoned by the world community," he added.[42]
 Georgia “The escalation of tensions in the Gaza Strip… has been triggered by rocket attacks launched by Hamas against innocent Israeli civilians," read a Georgian foreign ministry statement.[43]
 Germany German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has told Hamas to end what he called its "unacceptable" rocket attacks on Israel, while urging the Jewish state to do everything it could to avoid civilian casualties. [44]

German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday said the blame for renewed violence in the Middle East can be pinned on Hamas. Speaking to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert by phone, she said responsibility for the three-day-old Israeli air offensive against Hamas in the Gaza Strip lies "clearly and exclusively" with Hamas, according to government spokesman Thomas Steg.[45]

Template:Country data Greece Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis said Athens is aligned with the European Union presidency's statement over the worrisome developments. "A conflagration in the Middle East amid an international economic recession is a nightmare prospect that must be avoided at all costs ... The international community has a huge responsibility, it cannot remain idle; it must immediately assume initiatives for a de-escalation of tension".[46] The minister further condemned "all violence and terrorism", saying that Hamas had "sparked" the conflict and Israel's response was "disporportionate".[47]
 Hungary The statement of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry is the most important thing the earliest ending of Gaza strip military activities. "The Hungarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been following with great attention and concern the latest eruption of violence in the Middle East and the increasing number of casualties". But they also said that "Hungary supports Israel’s right for self-defence within the framework of international law" and "Hungary believes that violence caused by continuous provocations hinders any lasting settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict".[48]
Template:Country data Iceland Foreign Minister Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir said on December 27 that Israel's military operations on the Gaza strip were unjustifiable. Even though Israel faces a threat and Hamas' decision to break the ceasefire was wrong, reactions must be proportionate to the danger as called for by international law, she said. "The international community cannot continue accepting that human rights and international treaties are neglected on the Gaza strip. Iceland supports that the issue be discussed within the [UN] Security Council and that the opposing parties be held responsible for their acts and made hold their commitments."[49]
 India On December 29, India urged Israel to end its military operations against Palestinian civilians and expressed awareness of the "cross-border provocations" that led Israel to mount the operation. It urged an immediate end to Israei "use of force against Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip that has resulted in large numbers of casualties."[50]. On December 30, India released a second statement condemning what it called Israel's "disproportionate" and "indiscriminate" use of force, and expressed disappointment at the large number of civilian casualties.[51][52] On January 4, India condemned Israeli ground attack on Gaza.[53]
 Indonesia President of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said the Indonesian government remained consistent in supporting the struggle of the Palestinian people to maintain their rights and sovereignty. He said that "Israel`s unproportionally all-out war on Hamas with a great number of fatalities is an unforgettable human tragedy. We invite all parties to help stop the Israeli attacks and we will continue to support the Palestinian struggle. Indonesia finds it necessary for the UN Security Council to make a formal meeting and issue a resolution to force Israel halt its aggression."[54] He also said that it was ironic that the raids occurred as people entered the Islamic new year and days before the new year of 2009 and that "We should pray that the earth will be more peaceful, but we've been torn by the situation in Palestine and Gaza".[55]
Template:Country data Iran The Iranian Foreign Ministry said that "Iran strongly condemns the Zionist regime’s wide-ranging attacks against the civilians in Gaza" and that "the raids against innocent people are unforgivable and unacceptable".[56] Some Iranian wants to send volunteers to fight in Gaza against the Israelis.[57] Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei issued a religious decree to Muslims around the world on December 28, ordering them to "defend the defenseless women, children and people in Gaza in any way possible", and calling those who die as "martyr[s]".[58]On the other hand, the first Iranian shipment of aid including medicine and food for the Gaza Strip landed in Cairo on December 28.[59]

The website of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad[60] is showing a composite picture of scenes from Gaza, crowned by a burning Star of David.
More than 70,000 Iranian student volunteers have registered to carry out attacks against Israel. Several riots broke out in Tehran where students demanded to be sent to Gaza where they could fight the Israelites. [61]

Template:Country data Iraq The Iraqi government condemned the attack, stating that: "the Iraqi government demands a halt to the military operations, that civilians’ lives are not unnecessarily exposed to danger and requests that the international community honour its responsibilities and take the required measures to stop the attack".[62] The Dawa party of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki called on Islamic countries to cut relations with Israel and end all "secret and public talks" with it, while about 1,000 supporters of Muqtada al-Sadr staged a protest in eastern Baghdad.[63] Ali al-Sistani, has called for decisive action by Arab and Muslim states for an end to Israeli attacks on Gaza. Though he condemned the operation, he stated that "supporting our brothers only with words is meaningless, considering the big tragedy they are facing."[64]
 Ireland Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin, condemned the Israeli attacks as well as Hamas' rocket firings, and appealed for a stop to violence on both sides.[65] On 4 January, 2009 the Minister announced that Ireland would send €500,000 in humanitarian aid to Gaza.[66]
 Italy Minister of Foreign Affairs Franco Frattini has called for a United Nations' Security Council resolution to bring an immediate ceasefire to the Gaza Strip. He said "The first point is for an immediate ceasefire, and the second is for an immediate resumption of humanitarian aid, some help. The third point on which we could have a consensus but is more difficult to achieve is the major request, that our American friends have formulated informally, for international observers to guarantee respect for the truce and humanitarian aid."[67]
 Japan Japan called on Israel to exercise restraint and for Palestinian militants to halt rocket attacks as an Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip killed more than 300 people. "Japan urges both parties to immediately halt the use of force in order not to escalate the violence further", Foreign Minister Hirofumi Nakasone said in a statement released late Sunday. Japan also indicated readiness to provide assistance to the Palestinians.[68]
Template:Country data Jordan King Abdullah II of Jordan urged Israel to "end the Gaza offensive".[69] As an act of protest against the Israeli actions, an Israeli flag was burned on the floor of the Jordanian Parliament. Protests across the Jordanian capital Amman have also occurred daily since the Israeli attacks. Many Jordanians have called on the Government to close the Israeli Embassy in Amman, and requested the recall of the Jordanian ambassador to Israel. As a sign of respect and sorrow for the Palestinian people, many New Year's Eve celebrations across Jordan were called off.[70].

Jordanian Prime Minister Nader Dahabi stated that Amman reserves the right to reexamine its relations with Israel in the wake of its intensified military action on the Gaza Strip. [71]

 Kazakhstan Kazakhstan called on all the parties involved in the conflict, to renounce the violent problem solving. Foreign Ministry spokesman said "Kazakhstan expresses its deep concern and regret over the recent events in Gaza, resulting in the death and suffering of the civilian population, the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Palestine. Kazakhstan calls for an early settlement of the situation through political means and calls upon the parties to renounce violent solutions." He also said that "achieving the ultimate goals of the peace process is possible only through dialogue and negotiation".[72]
Template:Country data Kuwait Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Muhammad A-Sabah A-Salim A-Sabah said that "the Kuwaiti government and nation strongly condemn the aggressions and crimes being perpetrated by the Israeli regime against people in Gaza Strip".[73]
Template:Country data Lebanon The Lebanese Government strongly condemned the "completely in the eyes of the world's brutal aggression" by Israel against the Palestinian Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said "On behalf of the Government I expresses strong condemnation of the criminal operation, which takes place in the Gaza Strip".[74]
Template:Country data Libya Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi has accused fellow Arab leaders of adopting a "cowardly" response to Israel’s deadly bombardment of Gaza, and vowed to boycott an Arab summit on the crisis called for later this week. He rhetorically asked Arab leaders "How many times have you held emergency summits? Is this the first time you are proposing an emergency summit? How many summits have you held on the Palestinian issue? What have you achieved?".[75] He called for the Arab peace plan proposed between Arab states and Israel to be revoked. He said that "the Arab initiative is nothing more than an Arab scheme, these massacres (in Gaza) were caused because of it. It has encouraged the enemy to do it. We should be ashamed of such proposals. There are hundreds of people dying in the Gaza Strip as victims of the elections in Israel and in the United States. Our children are being slaughtered for the sake of Israel's election. They talk about peace, which kind of peace is this? The Israelis live in peace and us Arabs remain in the ruins. We do not want peace or negotiations, we do not want talks or peace as long as the enemy is capable of massacring us. We are speaking meaningless words. Peace negotiations were a failed attempt, this is our reality. As long as we are unable to be free and unable to stop the attacks and the massacres, what will you do at this convention? The best answer is to revoke what is called the Arab peace initiative."[76] Gaddafi said about Arab leaders "These characters should be ashamed of themselves. They are trading on the name of the Palestinian cause with their cowardly, weak and defeatist stands. One proposes a (peace) initiative. Another offers empty humanitarian relief. The next one makes speech and the other takes an initiative to call for an emergency Arab summit. You should withdraw your initiative, which you have called an Arab initiative. It is an Arab conspiracy.".[77]
 Lithuania Foreign Minister Vygaudas Ušackas said "Lithuania shares the position of other European Union countries - we express our grave concern over the provocation, violence and victims in the south of Israel and the Gaza Strip and urge the parties of the conflict to immediately cease violence and return to the truce and ensure the provision of urgent humanitarian assistance to victims".[78]
 Malaysia Malaysia’s Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has called upon the United Nations Security Council to take the necessary action following the air strikes by Israel on Gaza and the escalating violence. He also called for an immediate halt to violence, and that a humanitarian disaster must be avoided in Gaza.[79]
Template:Country data Maldives The government issued a press release expressing its alarm at the escalating violence in the region and the loss of life. The statement called on Israel and Hamas to exercise restraint and put an end to hostilities. It urged both countries to pursue their objectives through dialogue. “Israel must honour its international humanitarian obligations and Hamas must respect Israel’s right to security,” the statement read. Foreign minister, Dr Ahmed Shaheed, said the Maldives would not be taking any direct action against Israel, it would put pressure on the Israeli government to cease its offensive.[80]
Template:Country data Malta Maltese Foreign Ministry said that Malta fully supports efforts for a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and for immediate humanitarian aid to the victims. In a statement, the ministry said Malta continued to be deeply concerned at the ongoing fighting in Gaza, in particular the suffering and anguish of the civilian population in the region. "As a matter of utmost urgency, there must be an unconditional halt to rocket attacks by Hamas on Israel and an end to Israeli military action. Violence and military options are not the solution. Malta fully supports international efforts to find an immediate solution to the crisis and the establishment of a permanent ceasefire. In parallel, immediate humanitarian action is required and Israel must grant immediate unhindered and secure passage for the delivery of the humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip." the ministry said. It said the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict must be based on the process set out in Annapolis and in accordance with the terms of reference of the Madrid Conference, in particular land for peace, the relevant UN Security Council resolutions and the Quartet's roadmap.[81]
Template:Country data Mauritania Mauritania, one of only three Arab League countries that enjoys full diplomatic ties with Israel, has withdrawn its ambassador in Israel in protest over the Gaza offensive.[82]
Template:Country data Mauritius Mauritian Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, Thursday evening (1st of January) expressed his government's compassion for the Palestinian people "in these days when hundreds of them are losing their lives in Gaza under Israeli bombing. What is happening in Gaza is unacceptable," Ramgoolam said in his New Year day's address broadcast on national television. He said that Mauritius stood by the people of Palestine and supported the international call for an immediate ceasefire in that country.[83]
 Mexico Mexico called on Sunday for an "immediate" halt to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip, where massive air raids have killed over 300 people so far. The Mexican government asked for "an immediate halt to military operations" and expressed "grave concern about the bombings conducted on December 27 by the Israeli army and the excessive use of force", the ministry of foreign affairs said in a statement. Mexico "also rejects rockets launched from Gaza on Israeli territory", it added. [84]
Template:Country data Morocco "The Kingdom of Morocco strongly condemns the massive Israeli military operations which have claimed, this morning, the lives of dozens of Palestinian brothers in Gaza strip, and strongly condemns the disproportionate use of force and the tragic escalation of violence", a communiqué of the Foreign ministry said on Saturday. "The Kingdom of Morocco calls for the immediate halt of the hostilities which, beyond the significant loss of life, exposes the region once again to escalation, violence and divisions", the document added. [85]
 Netherlands Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said that he understands Israel's moves, given the scores of rockets that are being fired from Gaza onto Israeli targets by Hamas. He refused to condemn Israel for its military action and called for international pressure on both sides.[86]
 New Zealand The New Zealand government, which has been reluctant to speak out on the conflict initially, issued a statement on January 7 saying it was "deeply worried by the mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza as a result of the continuing Israeli ground offensive". Foreign Minister Murray McCully said that attacks on United Nations facilities, including schools, in the Gaza Strip were of grave concern and underlined the need for both sides to agree to an immediate ceasefire. His statement also said "We call for Israel to immediately cease military attacks and for Hamas to immediately cease rocket and mortar attacks. Both sides have obligations to avoid putting civilians in danger. It is imperative both sides focus on the mounting humanitarian situation for the civilian population of Gaza.". He said that the government would not choose sides in the conflict "We've avoided getting into a fairly pointless argument about who and what is a proportionate versus disproportionate response".[87]
Template:Country data Nicaragua President Daniel Ortega demanded the Israeli government stop its criminal acts in Gaza. "I want... to ask the international community to make all necessary efforts to stop the criminal acts of the Israeli government against the suffering Palestinian people," Ortega said in a statement.[88]
Template:Country data North Korea A foreign ministry spokesman of the DPRK "resolutely denounces Israel's killing of unarmed civilians as a crime against humanity, a serious provocation against the Palestinians and other Arab people and an open challenge to the Middle East peace process".[89]
 Norway Norway's Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støre has said that using warplanes against Gaza is unacceptable, as it is impossible to separate civilians from soldiers in this small area. He also says that Hamas must cease the launching of rockets into Southern Israel.[90]
On January 4, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg criticised the Israeli ground offensive into Gaza, calling it "a dramatic escalation". He also urged the UN Security Council to pass a resolution requesting the immediate halt in the fighting. [91] Foreign Minister Støre also criticised the ground offensive, saying that: "This is a dramatic escalation of the conflict. Norway strongly opposes warfare that leads to major civilian suffering, and calls for the troops to be pulled out immediately."[92]
Template:Country data Oman Deputy Prime Minister Sayyid Fahd bin Mahm-oud Al Said said "We condemn the Israeli aggression on the Palestini-an people and the excessive use of force by Israel instead of resolving outstanding issues by adopting amicable methods We also confirm that this unacceptable Israeli attitude will not resolve any problem, but will increase tension and instability in the region. A comprehensive and just peace could only be achieved by reverting to dialogue."[93]
 Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari, Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani and Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi have condemned the Israeli attacks in Gaza that killed over 200 people on Saturday and have appealed for cessation of hostilities. [94]President Asif Ali Zardari further said Israel’s air raids on Gaza Strip have "violated the Charter of United Nations". He also urged the entire world to take swift action of Israel’s raids on Gaza as it was as open violation of UN Charter.[95]
Template:Country data Paraguay In a communique from the Foreign Ministry, the Paraguayan authorities urged the parties to "immediately cease military action (and) to return to dialogue to find a peaceful solution to their disputes".[96]
Template:Country data Peru The Government of Peru expresses his deep preoccupation by the situation of violence in Gaza and the south of Israel that has brought consequently the irreparable loss of human lives, and makes a call to the immediate cease of hostilities in this region. The Government of Peru supports recent Official notices of the Secretary General of United Nations and of the Security Council of this international organism with respect to this violent scaling so that, in the brief term, all the involved parts suspend all military activity and the conversations can be reinitiated that allow to lay the way to find solutions to the existing problems in the context of the Israeli relation - Palestine. The Government of Peru makes arrive his more felt condolencias at the families of all the victims and soon formulates votes for a reestablishment of the calm in Gaza and the south of Israel.[97]
 Philippines The Philippines was deeply concerned about the worsening situation in Gaza and southern Israel stating that “The Philippines deplores the continuing violence, rocket attacks and excessive use of force that have already resulted in much damage and suffering and hundreds of casualties, particularly with civilians.” [98]
 Poland Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs has released the following statement:[99] Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland is deeply concerned about the escalation of violence in Gaza and expresses regret over the growing number of civilian casualties. "We condemn rocket attacks against Israel by Hamas. We also find no justification for the scale of military operation taken in response by the Israeli side. We call for immediate cessation of military actions by both sides, resumption of peace negations with a view to establishing a permanent truce".
 Portugal Portuguese Foreign Ministry called on Israel and the Palestinians to work for a solution to their conflicts and stop fighting in the Gaza Strip.[100]
Template:Country data Qatar Qatar has condemned the attacks on the Gaza Strip, and has arranged for an extraordinary Arab League summit to be held in Doha on the 2nd of January to discuss a unified Arab stance against the operation.[101] Qatar sent two planes with medicine and food to al-Arish in Egypt for Gaza.[102]
 Romania Minister of Foreign Affairs, Cristian Diaconescu, pointed out Romania’s concern about the current situation and has expressed his belief that the cessation of violence and identification of solutions for the humanitarian issues from the Gaza Strip are absolutely necessary in view of resumption of political dialogue. He said that from Romania’s point of view, the solution to this crisis may be found only by political means and he has emphasized Romania’a availability to undertake, in cooperation with the partners from EU and following bilateral actions, the diligences necessary to support the political-diplomatic regulation of this crisis. Minister Diaconescu has also showed that, understanding the daily difficulties the population from the Gaza Strip is facing for, the Romanian authorities are available also for the identification of certain solutions to grant humanitarian assistance.[103]
 Russia Russia called for a stop of "large-scale acts of force against the Gaza Strip, which has caused considerable victims and suffering amongst the Palestinian population", but also called for Hamas to "stop shelling Israeli territory".[104] Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added that "the disproportionate use of force by Israel, which causes suffering to the civilian population, can be neither understood nor justified".[105]
 Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia urged the United States to intervene to end Israeli attacks on Gaza, calling the attacks as "occupation and mistreatment of Palestinians."[106] Saudi police reportedly broke up a pro-Gaza protest on December 29, (though the Interior Ministry denied such an event took place).[107] Awadh Al-Qarni, a Saudi cleric, issued a fatwa permitting the targeting of Israeli interests worldwide in retaliation for the Gaza attack.[58] Saudi Arabia has blamed divisions amongst the Palestinians for the conflict, as well as Hamas for not doing enough to stop Israel or help the people of Gaza.[108]
Template:Country data Senegal The Senegalese president, Abdoulaye Wade, declared that "Senegal... requires Israel to withdraw immediately and without condition from the Palestinian territory, put an end to this invasion and to stop the air raids."[109]
 Slovakia In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic condemns the escalation of the violence between Israel and Hamas in Gaza Strip after the unilateral dismissal of the truce by the Palestinian extremists and calls both parties for an immediate halt to the violent actions. MFA calls on Israel to avoid any use of disproportionate force and to consider the risk of an expansion of the conflict in the region."[110]
 Singapore Singapore called on all parties in Gaza to exercise maximum restraint and work towards an early re-establishment of the cease-fire, the country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement on Monday night. "We are deeply concerned about the situation in Gaza with mounting civilian casualties and the possibility of a humanitarian catastrophe", a spokesman of the ministry said in the statement. [111]
Template:Country data South Africa South Africa's Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Fatima Hajaig has called on Israel to stop military attacks in Gaza and withdraw its forces from the border immediately. "The South African government finds the continued siege on Gaza unacceptable as it does not allow humanitarian relief supply such as medicine, food and water to reach the desperate people of Gaza". She summoned Israel's ambassador to a meeting to express the South African government's "grave concern" at the Israeli army's "brutal assault" on Palestinians in Gaza. [112] "The South African government unequivocally and in the strongest possible terms condemns the escalation of violence on the part of Israel brought about by the launching Saturday night of a ground invasion into Gaza," read a statement issued by the foreign affairs department after the begin of israels ground offensive.[113]
Template:Country data South Korea The Government of the Republic of Korea is deeply concerned about the deteriorating situation in and around the Gaza Strip following Hamas's recent attack and Israel's subsequent air-strikes and regrets the large casualties that have resulted from the collisions. [114]
Template:Country data Spain The Spanish government Sunday condemned Israel for its airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and called on Israel to end the act of violence. The condemnation and call were made by Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos in a statement.[115] Spain offered the International Committee of the Red Cross two trucks of humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza.[116]
Template:Country data Sri Lanka In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, the government "calls upon all parties concerned to end the violence, to ensure a climate conducive for the re-commencement of negotiations to find a lasting solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Sri Lanka has been a consistent advocate for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people to establish an independent Palestinian State within secure borders to co-exist in peace with its neighbours. Sri Lanka calls upon the parties concerned to exercise utmost restraint and work towards immediate de-escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip.[117]
Template:Country data Sudan The Sudanese government strongly condemned Israeli air raids and called on the UN Security Council and the world society to shoulder their responsibility and exert pressures on Israel to stop the aggressions and lift its blockade against the Palestinian people. The ruling National Congress Party issued a statement, denouncing that the Israeli aggressions using the American weapons has demonstrated the savagery and barbarianism of the military mechanism of Israel.[118] Protesters in Sudan condemned Arab leaders and demanded that they "show Gaza support".[119] Thousands of Sudanese marched towards the Egyptian embassy in Khartoum calling for an opening of Rafah crossing.[63]
 Sweden Foreign Minister Carl Bildt condemned Israel and said that "The Israeli ground offensive is "basically an admission that (Tel Aviv's) air attacks over the past week have failed to achieve what they had hoped for," Bildt said in a statement late Saturday.. Instead of seeking a possible political solution after this failure they have now chosen to dramatically escalate the conflict with a ground offensive. It is obvious that this will make it harder to find a solution to this serious conflict."[120] He also said that he hopes both sides will stop the bombings. He also stated that the current isolation of Gaza should end, calling it "counterproductive" for the Israeli side. Bildt says that Hamas should have agreed to a continued cease-fire agreement.[121]
  Switzerland On December 27, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs released a statement of its "concern over the most recent escalation of violence in the Gaza strip"[122] and called "for an immediate end to the acts of violence which are intensifying the suffering of the civil population"[123].

On January 4, a new statement deplores the escalation of violence in Gaza. It has called for an immediate cessation of hostilities and has requested a durable reopening of crossings into Gaza. The FDFA also protests the denial by Israeli authorities of access to Gaza by an emergency medical team of the International Committee of the Red Cross.[124]

It condemned the rocket attacks from Gaza that have taken place since the end of the truce as an "untenable burden" to Israel's civilian population. Though its right to self defence was acknowledged, the reaction of the armed forces of Israel was condemned as "disproportional". The FDFA considered recent events to be "serious violations of humanitarian law, which prohibits in particular acts of violence against civilian populations" and called upon all conflicting parties to respect their obligation to respect the Geneva Convention, especially as to refrain from acts of violence against civilian populations[125].

 Syria Syria condemned the acts, calling them a "heinous crime and convicted terrorist act".[126] In al-Yarmouk camp, outside Damascus, dozens of Palestinian protesters vowed to continue fighting Israel. A Syrian official said his government was canceling Turkish-brokered Middle East peace talks because of Damascus' anger about the Gaza offensive.[127]
Template:Country data Thailand Thailand called on Monday for Hamas to stop its rocket attacks and for Israel to cease its retaliatory air strikes.

"The Royal Thai Government is gravely concerned with the escalating situation of violence in the Gaza Strip causing loss of civilians' lives and damages to public infrastructures", said a statement by the Foreign Ministry. [128]

Template:Country data Tunisia The Ministry of Foreign Affairs released the following statement: "Tunisia expresses its deep concern following the Israeli air raids in the Gaza strip which have caused scores of victims among the brotherly Palestinian people. Tunisia condemns this dangerous escalation and reaffirms its call to the international community, and notably the influential powers, for an urgent and energetic intervention, to stop the Israeli aggression, offer the necessary protection to the Palestinian people and put an end to its suffering. Tunisia also stresses that these acts, are likely to increase the tension, aggravate the situation and endanger all the efforts exerted to establish peace, security and stability in the region".[129]
 Turkey Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that "Israel’s bombardment of Gaza shows disrespect to the Turkish Republic. We were planning to schedule peace talks between Syria and Israel. Whatever the reason is, killing innocent civilians will damage peace in the world".[130] President of Turkish Republic Abdullah Gül called attacks "irresponsibility" and declared that the Turkish Republic is watching events closely.[130] The Minister of International Affairs Ali Babacan asked the United Nations Security Council to take action immediately.[131] The president of the CHP main opposition party Deniz Baykal said: "the attacks are taking place just before the presidential inauguration in the USA. The timing of these attacks demands attention". Thousands of people marched at Istiklal and İstanbul Beyazıt Avenues in Istanbul, İzmir Basmane Avenue in Izmir, in front of Antalya Murattpaşa Mosque in Antalya, Erzincan Cumhuriyet Avenue in Erzincan, and hundreds of people gathered in front of the Israeli Embassy in Ankara. The Turkish Red Crescent has sent fifteen trucks filled with humanitarian aid.[130]
 Ukraine Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying "While condemning the firing of rockets into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip, we express doubts about the proportionality of Israel's use of military force. We urge the parties to the conflict to adhere to the principles of international humanitarian law in parts of the inadmissibility of collective punishment and destruction of civilian populations".[132]
 United Kingdom The United Kingdom's government called for "maximum restraint to avoid further civilian casualties" and for an "immediate halt to violence"[133] and on the other side for "militants in the Gaza Strip to immediately cease all rocket attacks on Israel".[56] Up to 1,500 protesters gathered outside the Israeli embassy in London shouting: "Five, six, seven, eight — Israel is a terror state".[134] Some of the protesters attempted to break into the embassy before being pushed back by riot police.[134] The British Foreign Secretary David Miliband also warned that Israel's attack might encourage further extremism.[135]
 United States President George W. Bush said "I understand Israel's desire to protect itself, and that the situation now taking place in Gaza was caused by Hamas. Instead of caring about the people of Gaza, Hamas decided to use Gaza to launch rockets to kill innocent Israelis. And Israel has obviously decided to protect herself and her people. We care about the people of Gaza, and, therefore, have provided millions of dollars of fresh aid to the United Nations to help.".[136] Previously the United States government condemned Hamas, saying that "Hamas' continued rocket attacks into Israel must cease if the violence is to stop", but also urging "Israel to avoid civilian casualties as it targets Hamas in Gaza".[137] The U.S. called for an immediate cease-fire, including the termination of rocket attacks against Israel, also asking that the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza be addressed.[56][138] "At the United Nations, the United States thwarted an effort by Libya to persuade the Security Council to call for an immediate ceasefire, diplomats said."[139]
 United Arab Emirates In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the UAE voiced its support for holding an emergency Arab League meeting, WAM reported. In a phone conversation, President His Highness Shaikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan discussed with Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Emir of Qatar, the situation in Gaza in view of the Israeli attacks. The UAE also condemned the Israeli government and called for an immediate ceasefire. The Emirate of Dubai also condemned the attacks and cancelled all New Years celebrations in a supposed stand of solidarity with the people of Gaza. [140]
Template:Country data Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a statement saying that "Uzbekistan calls on the conflicting parties in Gaza to cease hostilities and resolve their differences through negotiation".[141]
Template:Country data Venezuela President Hugo Chavez expressed his solidarity with the Palestinian peoples and proposes "a massive campaign to condemn the violent actions [by Israel] where they try to annihilate the life expectancy of a whole race".[142] On January 5, Chavez called the violence "state terrorism", saying of the attacks "the Holocaust, that is what is happening right now in Gaza".[143] Chavez accused Israel of "flagrant violations of International Law" and stated that the Israeli and American presidents be tried at the International Criminal Court. On December 6th, Venezuela expelled Israel's ambassador to Venezuela and part of the embassy personnel, and Hugo Chavez called for Ehud Olmert to be tried for war crimes.[144][145]
Template:Country data Vietnam A spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: "We condemn all actions of military attack causing great losses in humans and property for civilians, particularly at the Gaza Strip. Vietnam calls upon all the parties to refrain themselves, stop violence and resume the ceasefire agreement soon".[146]
Template:Country data Yemen Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh condemned the Israeli raids as a “barbaric aggression”.[147]


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  66. RTÉ News - Ireland to send aid
  67. Italy: Foreign minister calls for urgent UN action in Gaza
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  70. Daoud Kuttab (December 28, 2008). Jordanian MPs burn Israeli flag. Retrieved on 29 December 2008.
  72. Казахстан призывает стороны, вовлеченные в конфликт в Секторе Газа, отказаться от силового решения проблемы - МИД РК
  73. Kuwait condemns Israel for creating human tragedy in Gaza
  74. Ливан осуждает нападение Израиля на сектор Газа
  75. Gaddafi condemns 'cowardly' Arab response to Gaza blitz
  76. Gaddafi: Revoke Arab peace initiative
  77. 'Arabs conspiring against Palestinians'
  78. Литва призывает прекратить применение силы в секторе Газа
  79. Malaysia Calls For UN Security Council Action Over Gaza Violence (2008-12-28). Retrieved on 2008-12-28.
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  87. New Zealand calls for ceasefire in Gaza
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  96. Paraguay pide a Israel abrir paso a ayuda humanitaria y evacuación de heridos
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  114. (2008-12-29). "Statement by the spokesperson on the situation in Gaza". News. Retrieved on 2008-12-29.
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  117. Sri Lanka expresses concern over violence in the Gaza Strip. Retrieved on 2008-12-29.
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Uruguay should be painted in light brown (see Wikipedia article en:International reaction to the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict). -- 00:32, 12 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Country-by-Country Approach to Map


I posted the discussion below on the page where this image is posted, but I didn't realize I could post it here, too. So here it is:

Hello, all. Avala deserves a huge pat on the back for creating the map representing country's positions. However, he and I have a few disagreements, and we have become more or less deadlocked. Our main disagreement is in whether a condemnation must be explicit, or if it can be surmised from comments such "we deeply regret..." I therefore ask for other editor's opinions on changing the color of the following states: Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:52, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Green - I have seen no condemnations from Chile of either side. Even if condemnations can be surmised, Chile clearly pursues an even-handed approach: "Our biggest call is to stop all actions from both sides," she said, noting Chile will spare no efforts to facilitate a "reasonable solution." Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:52, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Green - True, Denmark summoned Israel's ambassador. But this was for a single incident, and there has been no condemnation (that I can find) of either side by Denmark. This country has been calling for both sides to cease from violence. Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:52, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Blue - Hungary's statement includes the following: "Hungary supports Israel’s right for self-defence within the framework of international law." There is no reciprocal statement for Hamas, nor is there a condemnation of either side. Saepe Fidelis (talk) 21:09, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Blue - This state has expressed much regret, etc. about the situation in Gaza, but has not explicitly condemned Israel. It has, on the other hand, said that it "rejects" Hamas rocket fire. In the very least, there is ground in this to paint Mexico green. Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:52, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]

I've changed my mind to Green, given this article: "Mexico condemns the excessive use of force associated with the Israeli army operation in Gaza. Likewise it condemns the continued launching of mortars into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip." Can anyone find a WP:RS that can be quoted to this effect in the article. Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:57, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



Green - I have seen no Norwegian condemnation of either side, but only calls for peace. Saepe Fidelis (talk) 20:52, 11 January 2009 (UTC)[reply]



endorsing Hamas This legend was missing : States that endorsed the Hamas position/defined Hamas' actions as falling within its right of resistance DynV (talk) 03:16, 22 April 2009 (UTC)[reply]