Commons:Very high-resolution file downloads

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Deprecated: The purpose previously served by very high-resolution file downloads is now served on Commons by tile sets. See Category:Tile sets. This page is retained for historical purposes only and the HTTP and Torrent links below are no longer operational.
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Some files on Wikimedia Commons are uploaded at reduced resolution and/or quality due to technical limitations, such as the 100 MB upload limit, or limitations on the maximum height and width of a JPEG file. Some of these files can be downloaded at full, original resolution and quality from third party providers, optionally using a BitTorrent client. These are listed here with links to third party download pages. These archives should not contain any executable files and so should be safe from malware.

Note that some images below may be too large to load into memory on ordinary PCs. These are represented using sets of image tiles, and special software may be required to view or process them. These are marked Tiles only in the table below. See Image tiles format below for details. These images should use the {{Tile set available}} template on their file description page.

Thumbnail File Commons
Full resolution Giga-
Filesize Tiles
File:In the Conservatory.jpg 20,471 × 15,656 81,887 × 62,625 5.1 1.92 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Vincent van Gogh - De slaapkamer - Google Art Project.jpg 22,298 × 17,692 44,596 × 35,384 1.6 625 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Sandro Botticelli - La nascita di Venere - Google Art Project.jpg 27,355 × 17,179 109,426 × 68,720 7.5 2.4 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:The Garden of Earthly Delights by Bosch High Resolution.jpg 19,568 × 11,139 156,547 × 89,116 14.0 5.7 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Artemisia, by Rembrandt, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 18,449 × 17,160 36,898 × 34,320 1.3 340 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:La crucifixión, by Juan de Flandes, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 17,318 × 12,515 69,273 × 50,061 3.5 1.3 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:El Descendimiento, by Rogier van der Weyden, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 22,652 × 17,575 90,608 × 70,303 6.4 2.0 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Carlos V en Mühlberg, by Titian, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 14,747 × 17,498 58,990 × 69,995 4.1 1.6 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:El sueño de Jacob, by José de Ribera, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 26,280 × 19,877 52,560 × 39,755 2.1 652 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Las Meninas, by Diego Velázquez, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 21,461 × 24,701 42,923 × 49,403 2.1 1.0 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Louise Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun - Marie-Antoinette ... - Google Art Project.jpg 19,319 × 24,739 36,898 x 34,320 1.3 2.7 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn - Nachtwacht - Google Art Project.jpg 28,128 × 23,334 112,517 x 93,342 10.5 2.3 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Rembrandt Harmensz van Rijn - Return of the Prodigal Son - Google Art Project.jpg 18,751 × 24,467 75,008 x 97,873 7.3 2.2 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Giovanni Bellini - Saint Francis in the Desert - Google Art Project.jpg 16,898 × 14,824 67,591 x 59,297 4.0 1.4 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Hans Holbein the Younger - The Ambassadors - Google Art Project.jpg 22,610 × 22,279 90,442 x 89,117 8.1 3.0 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:La Anunciación, by Fra Angelico, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 21,634 × 21,349 86,539 x 85,398 7.4 2.7 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Александр Андреевич Иванов ... Google Art Project.jpg 16,638 × 11,604 133,104 x 92,830 12.4 3.8 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Portrait of a Cardinal, by Raffael, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 16,696 × 21,506 33,392 x 43,012 1.4 442 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
en:File:František Kupka - Katedrála - Google Art Project.jpg 14,729 × 17,752 58,917 x 71,012 4.2 1.5 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Pieter Bruegel the Elder- The Harvesters - Google Art Project.jpg 19,578 × 14,260 78,308 x 57,038 4.5 1.2 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:The Immaculate Conception, by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 12,988 × 23,867 51,952 x 95,470 5.0 1.7 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Hans Holbein der Jüngere - Der Kaufmann Georg Gisze - Google Art Project.jpg 22,053 × 25,163 44,107 x 50,327 2.2 833 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:James McNeill Whistler - La Princesse du pays de la porcelaine - Google Art Project.jpg 11,900 × 21,020 47,599 x 84,077 4.0 1.3 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Van Gogh - Starry Night - Google Art Project.jpg 22,284 × 17,646 44,567 x 35,291 1.6 638 MB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:The Three Graces, by Peter Paul Rubens, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 13,663 × 16,649 54,654 x 66,596 3.6 1.6 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:Vittore Carpaccio - Young Knight in a Landscape - Google Art Project.jpg 16,641 × 23,911 66,566 x 95,648 6.4 2.6 GB Yes HTTP Torrent
File:El Tres de Mayo, by Francisco de Goya, from Prado in Google Earth.jpg 29,344 × 22,626 58,689 x 45,252 2.7 1.0 GB Yes HTTP Torrent

Image tiles format


Images marked "Tiles only" are represented by a large collection of fixed-size JPEG tiles (typically 256x256 or 512x512). The filenames have the form "x##-y##.jpg", where the first number is the column and the second is the row, both zero-based. The file info.xml gives the number of tile rows and columns and the number of empty pixels at the right and bottom edges (these should be discarded/ignored during viewing or machine processing). For images from Prado in Google Earth, the rows count from the bottom of the image (y0 is the bottom row), whereas for images from the Google Art Project, rows count from the top (y0 is the top row).

Viewing or processing an image represented in this format requires special software (which does not currently exist but would be simple to implement). Even if the tiles were assembled into a single TIFF image, which is possible, merely loading it in a standard image editor like Photoshop would require far more RAM than most PCs have. Moreover, the JPEG file format does not support images of such high resolution due to limitations on width and height.

A complete tile pyramid can be constructed by combining and downscaling each group of four adjacent tiles to form the next pyramid level down, then repeating this until a single tile is reached. Such tile pyramids are routinely used by viewing software for very large images, which load the tiles in view on-demand, and use the different levels to support zoom functionality. It is also possible to create software which crops out a portion of the image (a detail) and saves it as a JPEG at maximum resolution. If you create software like this, please consider publishing it under an open source license so that others can benefit from it. There may also be other unanticipated uses for this data.

See also
