Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments 2014/Upload campaigns

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This page describes how national organizers can help out with the Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 upload campaigns.

If you have any questions regarding the upload campaigns or related templates used for Wiki Loves Monuments, please ask them on the talk page. The talk page is watched by the international team.

You can also contact us at IRC in the channel #wikilovesmonuments at freenode. Access webchat → or go there in your IRC client and ask for Romaine.

How to help with the upload campaign?


Please follow these steps below

  1. What languages are spoken in your country? And in which of those languages you want people to participate? Also people from other countries may have taken pictures in your country, willing to upload and must have a page in a much spoken language (like English, Spanish or French) so that they can participate. (know which language codes belong to all these languages)

  2. Translate Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments August into those languages (if not already done). This template is shown in August above the upload campaign when the contest hasn't started yet. This template is not country specific: also people from outside your country will see these translations.

  3. Translate Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments finished into those languages (if not already done). This template is shown in October above the upload campaign when the contest has finished. (Users can use this campaign also in other months than September, but those pictures aren't participating in the picture contest.) This template is not country specific: also people from outside your country will see these translations.

  4. Translate Template:Upload campaign header Wiki Loves Monuments no contest into those languages (if not already done). This template is shown the whole year above an existing upload campaign of a country that does not participate in Wiki Loves Monuments. The campaign can be used for uploading pictures during the whole year, but images aren't participating in the picture contest. This template is not country specific.

  5. Translate Template:Upload campaign use Wiki Loves Monuments into those languages (if not already done). This template is shown after someone has uploaded a picture. This template is not country specific.

  6. Translate Template:Wiki Loves Monuments 2014 into those languages (if not already done). This template is put on images that are uploaded within the contest. This template is not country specific, but it will put a country specific category on all files uploaded in the international contest. (If an image is not eligible according the rules, this template should be removed from that file page.)

  7. Translate "Monument ID" into those languages. This text will be shown as label above a field where uploaders can enter the (unique) identifier (code) of a monument. This label can be customized for a specific country or campaign if it is needed to explain in more detail what should be entered as unique identifier. Please add translations and requests for customisation on the talk page.

  8. What is the alpha-2 country code of the country where you are organizing Wiki Loves Monuments? Create (if not already created) a template with the name Template:Upload campaign header wlm-.. and replace the .. with the lowercase country code. Create as well subpages for each language in your country, including one or two lingua franca languages to enable foreign users to participate. You can use as example Template:Upload campaign header wlm-us. This template will be shown in September above the upload campaign during the contest and the national team can add more links to it, like about the rules, how to participate and how to find an identifier.

  9. What is in UTC the time on what day the contest starts and ends in your country? (be aware of the presence of daylight saving time/summer time in some countries) If your country lies in more than one time zone, the most eastern part of your countries sets the start time of the contest and the most western part of your country the end time. Please check if this is filled in correctly in this table. If not, comment it here.

This step by step is not yet complete, it will grow in the coming days.

Any questions? → write them on the talk page


Each campaign must be selected by using the right url and can be pre-filled by adding information to that url. Here below you can create such url step by step.

  1. First look up the alpha-2 country code of the country.
  2. Country code: Replace the ... in the following url by the alpha-2 country code in lower case:
    • Example: Panama with country code pa gives: (link)
    • Note that some countries have more than one campaign because of how it is organised by the government. Then after the country code will follow a suffix. This is the case with Belgium (be-bru, be-vlg, be-wal), Denmark (dk-bygning, dk-fortids), Hong Kong (declared, historic), Netherlands (nl, nl-gemeente), Sweden (se-bbr, se-fornmin, se-ship) and Germany (de-bb, de-be, de-bw, de-by, de-hb, de-he, de-hh, de-mv, de-ni, de-nrw, de-nrw-bm, de-nrw-k, de-nrw-w, de-rp, de-sh, de-sl, de-sn, de-st, de-th).
  3. User language: If you want uploaders to use the language they have set in their preferences: skip this step. If you want uploaders to use a specific language: add at the end of the url &uselang=.. and replace the .. by the language code. (Note that the country code is in a lot of cases different from the country code.)

If you only want to link to a campaign so that users can upload, you are now ready to use the url.

If you want to use the url in row templates of tables to pre-fill the upload wizard, please follow these steps below.

  1. Unique identifier (ID): In almost all countries monuments have a unique identifier for each specific monument. This identifier can be pre-filled by adding &id=.. to the url and replace the .. by the identifier. (If there is a second identifier for the same monument (Poland), use also &id2=.. for the second one.)
  2. Coordinates: If there are coordinates available in decimal format you can pre-fill them in the upload campaign by using &lat=...&lon=... with the ... replaced by the latitude and longitude.
  3. Description of the monument: If you want to pre-fill a description or address of the monument, add &description=.. to the url and replace the .. by the description or address. Note that templates, links and <ref>-tags in the description may cause problems, so keep it as clean as possible. If you use a description, also describe in what language that description/address is with &descriptionlang=.. in the url and replace the .. by the language code.
  4. Category for specific monument: If you have put a link to the Commons category of a specific monument in the template row, you can add this category automatically to the uploaded images by using &categories=... and replace the ... by the category name without the namespace category:

Example: A monument in the Netherlands has as ID the number 14700, as address Bloemstraat 9 (Dutch) at the coordinates of 52.44735 N, 5.83480 E on this list has as link this url.

What to keep in mind with creating a list of monuments?


Lists of monuments give readers an overview of what important cultural heritage is in an area. We recommend using a table with in each row a specific monument, with in some columns the most important characteristics of the several monuments. There is at least one column for the location (usual: coordinates, often also a second column for the address/place), one column for the image, and a column for the unique identifier. Other columns that are often used are the name of the object, type of object, architect, date/year of building, date of when it was added to the list by the heritage organisation, and one column for a short description. See for an example this list: en:Grade I listed buildings in Bristol.

Things to take into account:

  • Use row templates: build a table with row templates (and a header template), so that you can easy add/remove columns and being able to change the links to an external database when the links change.

  • Use unique identifiers: each monument in a country must have a unique identifier. In most cases this number is assigned to the monument by the national heritage agency of that country. If these aren't available you can create a system on your own. If these numbers are only unique in a certain region, you need to add a prefix to all identifiers. Best practice is to use the ISO 3166-2 that are assigned to an area in a country (if available). Example: in Bolivia there are lists of monuments per department. Based on ISO 3166-2:BO the identifiers of monuments in Santa Cruz Department get S/ as prefix. Result: 00-000 -> S/00-000

  • Enable uploading directly from the monument list: several Wikipedias use the Template:UploadCampaignLink for that. On some Wikipedias this link is shown only in September, on others during the whole year. Upload campaigns will stay available the whole year and can be used also outside the contest of Wiki Loves Monuments. This direct link to the upload campaigns makes it possible to pre-fill some information in the upload wizard so that users do not have to fill in much by hand, see the header #How to link to the upload campaign and pre-fill it?

Using these things in the monument tables makes it possible to use certain tools, bots and more. See also Commons:Monuments database#Structured lists.

See also

  • Commons:Monuments database - when the lists are properly set up and known with us, they have been or will be added to the monument database. Several tools for the organizers are based on the monument database.