Commons:Help desk/Archive/2014/10

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Deletion Request

I need to delete all the images i uploaded. i tagged them all for speedy deletion already but its not being speedy enough! i should never have uploaded them they were not mine to upload and my friend found out i uploaded his pictures to wikipedia commons and im in trouble! please delete soon. Buckwheatloaf (talk) 04:15, 3 October 2014 (UTC)

It looks like all files you've uploaded have been deleted. LX (talk, contribs) 09:12, 3 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: LX (talk, contribs) 09:12, 3 October 2014 (UTC)

No lighthouse photos?

I'm a writer on HubPages. I have several articles about specific lighthouses, and I've always been able to find those photos on Wikimedia. Something has changed lately, and when I look for a photo, I get files, manuscripts, no photos. Could you please tell me if I should write Wikimedia off my list of usable photos from this point, or if there's something I'm missing that would enable me to get these photos? I only use those that are legal to use, so your site was one I could count on for that. Now I'm searching the net endlessly trying to find photos I can use. What has happened to my favorite site? Thanks for your time. I would appreciate a reply. Nancy Hardin — Preceding unsigned comment added by Nancy Hardin (talk • contribs) 04:10, 1 October 2014‎ (UTC)

Category:Lighthouses is certainly still present with plenty of photographs. Note that the term "file" is usually used for all media (photos, videos, sounds, etc.) in Wikimedia Commons. MKFI (talk) 07:16, 1 October 2014 (UTC)

monument contest.

I know I just missed the deadline for entering photos for the historical monument contest. I forgot the time zone change and I didn't see the contest until a few days ago and by the time I located a camera and got gas in my car, it was this evening before I could get out to Fort Pierce from my home in Beaver Dam Utah I had to drive past the St. George airport out to the end of the Highway then travel 5.7 miles on a rutted and sometimes sand covered dirt road where the bottom of my car grazed the sand in the road much like driving through drifted snow. I hope that you can see your way clear to allowing my pictures into the contest. I really need the money to pay my rent as I am unemployed and waiting to hear on my disability case.


Kimberly Cazier — Preceding unsigned comment added by Thesixdees (talk • contribs) 05:12, 1 October 2014‎ (UTC)

This is a general Commons help desk, please see Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments/Help desk. HelenOnline 09:34, 1 October 2014 (UTC)

Category in template changed, files with the template don't move

Recently, I made this change in a license tag. The files containing this tag were automatically placed in the Category:Rijkswaterstaat, that was included in the tag. I supposed that after changing that category in the tag into the Category:Images by Rijkswaterstaat, the files would automatically move to there, but that appears only to happen when an edit (of any kind) is done in such a file. Is there a possibility for an automated move? Nearly 300 files are concerned, so that would be helpful. Apdency (talk) 08:44, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

Your Category:Images by Rijkswaterstaat is within a noinclude tag, so it wouldn't be used. I have altered this to how you probably meant it. I ddid notice though that despite an image claiming to be in that category, it wasn't showing on the category page, but this appeared to be a caching issue, and the category now shows several hundred images. -mattbuck (Talk) 09:32, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
I didn't know about the noiclude aspect. Thanks very much for your action, the result is indeed what I meant. Best regards, Apdency (talk) 10:41, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 16:12, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

los gatos resucitan

al principio de los tiempos se creia que los gatos eran demonios pues los humanos los veian con gran asombro ya que eran muy agiles. los egipcios lo fueron los primeros en saberlo y eso se transmitio a los romanos y cuando los romanos cayeron esos datos se perdieron pocas personas lo mantuvieron de generacion en generacion y la gente lo fue guardando en secreto porque los juzgaban como locos ya que los gatos no resucitan en su mismo cuerpo, resucitan en el de otro gato muerto practicamente rencarnan — Preceding unsigned comment added by Kavis (talk • contribs)

This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 23:18, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

(aktuell) neben meinen Beiträgen ....


Mich würde nur interessieren, was das "aktuell" in Klammer neben meiner Beiträge bedeutet und wieso bei vielen meiner, im Rahmen von "WML" oder auch zum Tag des Denkmals hochgeladenen Bilder kein Vermerk "Diese Foto wurde .... WLM 2014" hochgeladen/eingereicht?

Ich will nur sicher gehen, dass ich diese Bilder auch richtig, nämlich zum Wettbewerb, und nicht nur aug WIKIPEDIA hochgeladen habe :-(

Bitte um Info - DANKE! :-)

LG Kerstin — Preceding unsigned comment added by Cheeky76 (talk • contribs) 11:15, 29 September 2014‎ (UTC)

  • (aktuell) heisst nur, das die entsprechende Info-Seite zum Bild seit Deinem Upload nicht mehr verändert wurde (alle nicht so markierten Bilder wurden bereits von einem Bot oder anderem Editor ergänzt).
  • Beim zweiten Teil Deiner Frage kann ich leider nicht helfen, vielleicht stellst Du sie besser nochmal direkt auf Commons:Wiki Loves Monuments/Help desk oder auf einer anderen WLM-bezogenen Seite. GermanJoe (talk) 09:03, 1 October 2014 (UTC)

Hallo Kerstin, kannst du Beispiele nennen? Bei File:Theseus Tempel by night.jpg hast du nicht über die Denkmallisten hochgeladen, der Tempel ist geschützt, aber nur beim Upload über die Listen werden div. Kategorien und Bausteine automatisch ergänzt. Sonst musst du manuell ergänzen. Bei anderen Bildern habe ich die Bausteine herausgenommen, da für mich kein Nachweis des Denkmalschutzes ersichtlich war (falsche ID, korrektes Objekt nicht unter DS, insbesondere Category:Time Travel Vienna). Teilweise wurde der Baustein für den TdD / WLM nach dieser Anfrage nachgetragen. Ich schaue mir mal deine Files noch durch. lg --Herzi Pinki (talk) 13:18, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

Alle Achtung, so viele Bilder. Du hast die Bilder nicht wie vorgesehen über die Denkmallisten hochgeladen, das ist die Hauptursache, warum das schief gegangen ist. Wenn du das nächste Mal Bilder von Denkmälern hochlädest, dann über die Denkmallisten, die es für jede Gemeinde gibt (in der deutschsprachigen WP). Das hilft dir es richtig zu machen und macht mir weniger Arbeit. lg --Herzi Pinki (talk) 16:11, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

complying with GNU Free Documentation License

I found a graphic that I downloaded to use in a commercial application desktop. I surrounded the graphic with other graphics so I didn't modify the graphic itself. I'm having a hard time understanding what I need to do to comply with the GNU Free Documentation License. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jaholland1969 (talk • contribs) 19:42, 1 October 2014‎ (UTC)

That work has a CC BY-SA 3.0 license too. So "you may select the license of your choice" in your adaptions. But make sure, all the works you are using in the adaptation are compatible to each other. Jee 02:42, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

Help Please Step By Step on how to comply with copywrite/GNU/CC BY-SA 3.0

I posted the below question yesterday received an answer but I have no clue what I need to do. Can some please provide me step by step what to do? As I explained below, I used the graphic on a splash screen for a commercial application. What do I need to do now to comply with rules/copy write/license? Do I upload the modified picture back to WIKIMEDIA and do something to it? Do I put a link on the picture in the application to link to the original graphic? Do I put something in the modified graphic to give credit? I want to use this graphic but don't understand the steps I need to take to make sure I have permission. Please help ASAP!!! The application is suppose to go to beta testing today...

complying with GNU Free Documentation License[edit]

I found a graphic that I downloaded to use in a commercial application desktop. I surrounded the graphic with other graphics so I didn't modify the graphic itself. I'm having a hard time understanding what I need to do to comply with the GNU Free Documentation License. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jaholland1969 (talk • contribs) 19:42, 1 October 2014‎ (UTC)

  • There is no need to put anything on Wikimedia Commons.
  • You need to credit it wherever you generally credit copyrighted materials. Presumably your site has somewhere it indicates your own copyright; this additional copyright should be attributed there. Probably the simplest appropriate credit is "Copyright by Wikimedia Commons users Mysid and Clipper. Used under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license" with that license name linked to
  • A link to the relevant Commons page would be helpful, but is not legally required. - Jmabel ! talk 00:51, 3 October 2014 (UTC)

Photo of Painting

I have a photo, taken by my uncle, of a painting of I believe, John Milton Holley (1802-1848). I do not know who the artist is. The painting hung in my grandparents' house by entire life, now hangs in my uncle's home. I was told the painting is of my third great-grandfather, John M. Holley. My grandparents have passed away before I found

I am hoping you are able to verify this for me as credible. Is this what "Hon. John Milton Holley" looked like?

I can send the actual picture, but I don't know how on this link. I am not very computer literate:-/

Thank you for your help! Jill /Users/chrisnicholson/Pictures/iPhoto Library/Previews/2012/07/16/20120716-165924/P1010007.JPG — Preceding unsigned comment added by Jsnich206 (talk • contribs) 04:22, 3 October 2014‎ (UTC)

If the painting was done before 1848, then there shouldn't be any copyright concerns that way, but your uncle might have to give consent to license his photograph as photographer. To get an image onto this site, you have to go through an upload form, such as Special:UploadWizard or Special:Upload etc. (no "cloud" involved)... AnonMoos (talk) 14:58, 3 October 2014 (UTC)


I am looking for help regarding the translation system.

I have This page. In yesterday version, the part of the page where table are visible did not propose for translation my new additions (links to press releases).

Since I could not find how to fix that and make translation magically appear, I decided to move the links with the press releases OUT of the table to do a simple regular section (see link above). I added some tags for translation and hoped for the best. But it does not work. The paragraph "List of press releases" do not appear in translation. So it is not visible on the French speaking page.

Can someone help ? Thanks

Anthere (talk)

Salut Anthere,
Ça faisait longtemps ! ;o)
Je suppose que tu parles de cette page : Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2014/Information à la presse ?
Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre le problème. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 13:23, 3 October 2014 (UTC)
Salut Yann. Ben facile. Regarde, compare la page en français avec Commons:Wiki Loves Africa 2014/Media Information. Il y a une section en plus (la liste des communiqués de presse). Mais quand je clique sur le lien de traduction, il ne me propose pas les éléments nécessaires à la traduction de ce paragraphe. Tu vois ? Anthere (talk)

Jean-Fred fixed that ! Thanks Anthere (talk)

Changing the description for a set of files

Does Commons allow batch processing where I would change the description for over 100 images? Or if not just add a delete request to all of the images so I could upload them again with the upload wizard. HenricusHirschdörfer (talk) 01:38, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

  • There are several ways to do this; probably you will want to use Visual File Change (VFC). Some context would be useful if I'm going to try to get any more specific than that. Are they your own uploads? If not, are they all in one category or a few categories, as against the only way to characterize them being the name of each individual image? (The issue is whether there will be an easy way to home in on the relevant files.) - Jmabel ! talk 06:16, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
    I uploaded the images and created the category:Shyp Of Foles Of The Worlde, but I typed in the wrong year on some of the files. I think on images 77-116 or so the description contains the year 1497 where it should either say 1509 or just not show the year (somehow I forgot to provide the year on the others.) I tried Visual File Change, but it appended a test message to the end of the file page and didn't seem to allow a change in description. I see how it could be used to request deletions on all of the files with mistakes. Do you think that's the best procedure? HenricusHirschdörfer (talk) 19:13, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 15:46, 10 October 2014 (UTC)

I've been searching for a good image of the first book to be printed in Greek to include it in a Wikipedia article about Greek typography. I found one here (top image). Can I upload it to Commons and use it as free because the book was published in 1476, or do I need to get permission from the person who took the photo of the book page? Many thanks!--Flashdart2 (talk) 03:39, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

  • At least under U.S. law, an accurate reproduction of a 2-dimensional work creates no new copyright. If some other country's law comes into the matter it could be more complicated. - Jmabel ! talk 07:45, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

hi, i need source for this image EAUHQ.jpgǃ thank u --Raulkul (talk) 04:00, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

  • You uploaded it, so how can you "need [a] source"? But it looks like a pretty blatant copyright violation, so it presumably doesn't belong on Commons at all. Have you read Commons:Scope? If not, I recommend it. - Jmabel ! talk 07:56, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

Uploading images of 98-yr old postcards of Camp Hughes

Do I need copyright permission to do this? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Chilkotin (talk • contribs) 23:13, 4 October 2014‎ (UTC)

If you are referring to Camp Hughes, Manitoba, then the images are probably in the public domain (PD), but you might want to have a look at File:Canadian Public Domain.svg to see if you can decipher the answer. Green Giant (talk) 23:24, 4 October 2014 (UTC)

File mover

Ok - dumb do I become a file mover here? From time to time I upload or identify plants. mushrooms or animals whose files would be then best at a more accurate name....I looked at file mover page but couldn't see how to become one...cheers, Casliber (talk) 04:11, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

You can apply at Commons:Requests for rights#Filemover. Green Giant (talk) 04:17, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
Aaah thanks Casliber (talk) 04:19, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: 1=Green Giant (talk) 05:02, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

How to download video to my web site.

Hi I am bulding a website (first effort), and have discovered a video that I would like to have on the site. However, I'm a total novice where this is concerned, and would appreciate it if someone couild tell me where I'm going wrong. The location of the video is, as shown below:

File:A-novel-walking-speed-estimation-scheme-and-its-application-to-treadmill-control-for-gait-1743-0003-9-62-S1.ogv ‎(Ogg multiplexed audio/video file, Theora/Vorbis, length 45 s, 640 × 480 pixels, 676 kbps overall)

I have followed the rather bewildering instructions and successfully downloaded the video to my site, but when I try to insert it into the web page, all I get is a black square image; which, in the top left hand corner, says "Download". I will be grateful for any help/advice on this.

Best regards Ian McKay M A. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Teochter (talk • contribs)

Just below the video there is a link to the video. Make a right button click on it and choose "Save link as ...". Ruslik (talk) 19:09, 5 October 2014 (UTC)

Hello, I have seen that someone requested image for the article Jacob Abrian and I found one image that could be nice for his profile. On the website it is written that we can share the image keeping the copyright tag. So I upload the image into commons but I don't know what to state as per the permission so the will not be deleted and could be used for the article.

File:Jacob Abrian in Boggi Milano FW14.jpg

Source: Image taken from this website

--Artilicks (talk) 23:53, 5 October 2014 (UTC)

I don't think this image is sufficiently free. The source website allows using the images, but there is no mention of allowing modifications or derivative works. See Commons:Copyright rules by subject matter#Press photos. MKFI (talk) 06:33, 6 October 2014 (UTC)

--Trueys5 (talk) 04:06, 7 October 2014 (UTC)

I assume your question is because you have been told there is no licence tag. Unless you created this logo yourself, we must assume it is all rights reserved, and thus it cannot be hosted here. Did you create this logo yourself? -mattbuck (Talk) 09:37, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

Reuploading a photo which I have made


In 2011 I have tried to upload a photo of my father to wikipedia, however I have failed for some reason. I think I was asked to prove somehow that I am an author of this photo and then I abandoned the idea of uploading the photo. Today, I tried to upload the same photo again, however I got a message that "there was another file withe the same content and it was deleted". Right now I cannot see any possibility to upload the photo. Can you help me out with this problem?

Martin — Preceding unsigned comment added by VelSmolaro (talk • contribs)

  • Did you upload it under this name or a different name? And on which Wikipedia exactly? I see no indication that this account has ever uploaded any picture either to Commons or to the English-language Wikipedia. - Jmabel ! talk 23:21, 8 October 2014 (UTC)

No, I did it from a different account I think. I uploaded it to Polish wikipedia.— Preceding unsigned comment added by VelSmolaro (talk • contribs)

  • Do you know either the account name or the name on the photo? This can be sorted out in terms of fixing the permissions issue if we can find the photo; also, if someone knows a way around this without that, please weigh in! - Jmabel ! talk 15:53, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

I know the name of the photo: Ryszard_smolarek_09.jpg .

SVG rendering


I've been meaning to upload a SVG file onto Commons. I created the work myself using COREL Draw. When I opened the file to see it using Safari, it looked fine, but when I previewed it on commons, a part of it I created using transparency tool is gone. It seems that there are two versions of my file. Please help.

Many thanks,

Leo Crnogorcevic — Preceding unsigned comment added by LeoC12 (talk • contribs) 09:29, 26 September 2014‎ (UTC)

There is a huge Help:SVG page, mostly consisting of recipes for InkScape, but you might find something for your problem. Please ask again here and add a link to your file, at the moment there is no SVG listed in your contributions. –Be..anyone (talk) 09:34, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:49, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Scaled versions available but original image missing

When I try to view the original image for File:Tigris_River_Bridge,_Hasnankeyf,_Turkey2.jpg it seems to be missing. However, scaled versions are available. Anyone know what might be causing that? Rupert Clayton (talk) 17:21, 2 October 2014 (UTC)

404 error - looks like a bug. Ruslik (talk) 19:20, 2 October 2014 (UTC)
Reported at bugzilla:70556. Ruslik (talk) 18:54, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:51, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Commons zu Merian Topographia Germaniae

Bei den Unterkategorien der o.a. Commens fehlt die Topographia Burgundici. Sie erscheint stattdessen als Bestandteil der Unterkategorie Topographia Bavariae ! Das ist irreführend. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 15:53, 8 October 2014‎ (UTC)

If I understand correctly, you're saying that Category:Topographia Circuli Burgundici (Merian) should be a subcategory of Category:Topographia Germaniae. When you believe a page needs improvement, please feel free to make those changes. Commons is a wiki, so anyone can edit almost any page. Just use the "edit" link at the top of the page. If you edit Category:Topographia Circuli Burgundici (Merian), you'll find its parents categories at the bottom. LX (talk, contribs) 16:06, 8 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:53, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Corrupt file, wrong extension


I was trying to upload a satellite view of Ryongsang Residence since there isn't one avaliable. But every time, it's the same response of corrupt file or wrong extension. It's a .jpeg file and I can open it. Seqqis (talk) 01:57, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

Wild guess, it works for you, because it is fine, but not a JPEG, and when you upload something claiming to be a JPEG it really has to be a JPEG. Maybe your image viewer can tell you what it really is, and allows you to save the image as JPG or PNG (better, lossless). –Be..anyone (talk) 08:27, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:56, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

No longer a confirmed user?

What happened? Why were my user rights for confirmed user removed?--Mark Miller (talk) 02:19, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

@Mark Miller: Confirmed right is supposed to be temporary. There are two ways of becoming confirmed. One is being added to the group of 'confirmed' user by a sysop. The other way is having a few days of account creation. As you created the account in October 2nd, you were automatically given the 'autoconfirmed' rights. So, having 'confirmed' and 'autoconfirmed' rights at the same time is redundant as they give you the same permissions and that is why 'confirmed' was removed. However, it will not change anything for your editing. Regards.—Teles «Talk to me ˱C L @ S˲» 02:47, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
Thanks. Just checking!--Mark Miller (talk) 03:14, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
The account was auto generated for global accounts. Is it possible to have the history of my old account merged to my new account like on Wikipedia?--Mark Miller (talk) 03:15, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
@Mark Miller: Edits can't be merged; they will always remain on separate names. However, if you prefer, you can rename 'Mark Miller' to another name and leave it and then rename 'Amadscientist' to 'Mark Miller' so your old account will be moved to your current name. You need to request it here with a clear explanation of what you want.—Teles «Talk to me ˱C L @ S˲» 03:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:57, 18 October 2014 (UTC)


Hello, in this file, there is a "boom" at the end, can you remove it please ? Because Audacity doesn't work in my computer. Fort123 (talk) 22:24, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

Another user already cut it from 1.2 to 1.0 seconds some weeks ago. You could revert it to the original version if that works for you. On my box the older version sounds better. –Be..anyone (talk) 04:06, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:58, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Newbie here

I'd like to thank you every people who share their knowledge via wiki :)

I'm a system information student , I found out that wiki is full customize-able. I downloaded mediawiki engine and trying to customize it into a repository for myself. I learn web developing by myself and find some diffucilties, so I wanna ask some question :

- How do I create new page without using url like domainname/index.php/new_article_title ? - How to customize main page like wikipedia home page or wikimedia home page ?

Sorry for the sketchy and bad english. Warm regard from Indonesia. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Kurisuchris (talk • contribs) 12:24, 10 October 2014 (UTC)

This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 19:59, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Can I upload photos I've taken ?

Can I upload photos I've taken with my camera ? Thank you, Prune123 (talk) 17:22, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

  • Typically, yes. You'll need to offer a sufficiently free license, and of course if the picture is of something copyrighted that is another matter. For example, Commons can't accept your picture of someone else's copyrighted painting or (in countries such as France where there is no freedom of panorama) building. And, of course, the picture has to be of some relevance: we're not generally looking for pictures of your friends unless your friends are somewhere close to encyclopedic nobility, or the picture shows them doing something of broad general interest. You could read Commons:Scope. Or, if you don't want to read that, could you be more specific what the picture depicts? Or you could just try uploading, and don't take it too personally if not everything you upload is acceptable. - Jmabel ! talk 17:33, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Green Giant (talk) 20:00, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Qualitätsbilder anzeigen / disply Quality images

Hallo, ich habe Fotos hochgeladen von denen einige als Qualitätsbilder bewertet wurden. Wenn ich in den entsprechenden Kategorien den Butten "Gute Bilder" anklicke, dann wird die Meldung "Keine Ergebnisse." ausgegeben und die Bilder werden nicht angezeigt. Muss ich noch etwas tun damit die Qualitätsbilder angezeigt werden oder sollte das automatisch gehen?--F. Riedelio (talk) 15:25, 10 October 2014 (UTC)

Hello, I uploaded photos some of which were considered as high quality images. When I press the button "Good pictures" in the appropriate categories, then the message "No results." issued and the images are not displayed. Do I have to do something with it that the Quality images will be displayed or should it work automatically.--F. Riedelio (talk) 09:14, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

How to name a new category

I read the not on top here: Category:Patios_by_country, but I'm not familiar with the rules of naming a category in this case perhaps Category:Patios in Italy (or of?), in/of Tuscany perhaps? What is best? Thanks in advance for the right solution. Cheers,  Klaas|Z4␟V07:39, 12 October 2014 (UTC)

You may name the category how you want. Ruslik (talk) 16:35, 12 October 2014 (UTC)
In this case in is better than of. But I'd have to say that Category:Patios_by_country is itself not the greatest category name, because in English a "patio" is usually a space entirely outside of a structure, while in Spanish, the language from which the term came into English, it is specifically a courtyard. Usually we try to avoid category names that will be so readily misunderstood by speakers of different native languages. - Jmabel ! talk 17:14, 12 October 2014 (UTC)

Flower galleries and categories

Section title added by MKFI.

Dear Sir,

I have pictures of flowers which I would like to upload

directly on the page as per the botanical names.

I am getting lost in categories .

For example I have pictures of " Barringtonia asiatica " .

I do search using " Barringtonia asiatica " , the page

comes up. How can post my pictures on that page ?

Thanks in advance

Varun — Preceding unsigned comment added by Varun saa (talk • contribs)

Hello Varun. There are two different concepts in Commons: Galleries and Categories. Category:Barringtonia asiatica is a category, Barringtonia asiatica is a gallery. Categories list all files which have been added to the category; adding files to categories is done by modifying the wikitext of the file description page and appending [[Category:Barringtonia asiatica]] or other category. Categories can be added at upload stage. It is recommended that all files have at least one category.
Galleries can do more than merely list files; galleries can include additional description or structure. To display a file in a gallery you need to modify the wikitext of the gallery page, not the file. Gallery does not need to display all the files in the category, and most usually just show a selection of the available files. You can also have a personal gallery at your user page.
Categories are the primary method of grouping images of a specific subject while galleries are more rare. Note that both categories and galleries are Wikimedia Commons specific, but Commons images can be displayed also in Wikipedias, such as the english Wikipedia page Barringtonia asiatica.
I have added categories to the files you have uploaded, please continue uploading images (as long as you have taken them by yourself). You can ask for more help if needed. MKFI (talk) 13:21, 12 October 2014 (UTC) Typos fixed MKFI (talk) 13:24, 12 October 2014 (UTC)

Thanks a lot


National monument 523245 Griendtsveen - The Netherlands - wrong picture

Photo shown on the list of National monuments The Netherlands - Griendtsveen no 523245 is a wrongly placed picture. The picture shows a house situated in the Kerkstraat of Strijen.— Preceding unsigned comment added by John Scholte (talk • contribs)

@John Scholte: Maybe it's better to ask this WLM-related question directly on the WLM help desk. Most people here are glad to help, but the specific help desk might have more experience with such questions. GermanJoe (talk) 12:23, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

First World War


Since I admire Google Art Project in Wikimedia Commons, I thought it will be useful to ask Google to upload also images from Google Project First World War (here) (I have a great interest in the subject, because I'm making a study / book on the period).

Whether and how you/we can contact them on this issue??

Thanks in advance!

JHistory (talk) 11:15, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

They have a culturalinstitute/about page with this info: All imagery on this site is not intended for download and is provided for the sole purpose of enabling you to use and enjoy the benefit of the Cultural Institute site, in the manner permitted by Google’s Terms of Service. The normal Google Terms of Service apply to your use of the entire site.Be..anyone (talk) 11:59, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
I suggest that we/I - will write them, and offer to release some of the pictures, in the same format/another format - of the Art Project.
What do you think?
JHistory (talk) 12:11, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Sure, try it. Their contact form is a "signup" page for galleries, maybe you find a way around this limitation. Another idea, you could ask on Talk:Google Art Project how that was handled in the past. –Be..anyone (talk) 13:00, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Be..anyone, I'm taking your advice and turn at first to ask on Talk:Google Art Project how that was handled in the past :-) JHistory (talk) 08:06, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
We have not received a reply from Google in Talk:Google Art Project yet, (maybe someone can write better than me). Therefore, I wrote them today directly in culturalinstitute/about ...with hope :-)... and of course, I would love any advice from you...
JHistory (talk)

ogv file with incomplete subtitles

Hi! This is giving me a headache, I added subtitles to this File:Otegi.ogv. Everything seemed to be running smoothly until I edited the last part of it this morning. I completed the subtitles, but as it happens the subtitles are not showing up, even if the script is there. The numbers seems to be right, I checked the subtitle script in the point where the subtitles hide, and there seems to be no problems in the timing or syntax. When watching the downloaded version of it on application vlc, the same problem takes place. What's up there? Really time consuming... Help very welcome. Thanks Iñaki LLM (talk) 11:12, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

The subtitles in File:Otegi.ogv apparently end after 4min, and the OGV is 6min. If it was better before you edited it you could revert your modification. –Be..anyone (talk) 11:48, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Now yes! Many thanks Be..anyone. A copy-paste problem in the hour parameter. Four eyes see more than two, definitely. Iñaki LLM (talk) 12:15, 13 October 2014 (UTC)

SVG with embedded PNG

Yesterday I uploaded an SVG which read

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <image x="0" y="0" width="1000" height="712" 
xlink:href="" />
  <g style="font-size: 32pt">
    <text x="560" y="50">Germany</text>	
    <text x="60" y="280">France</text>	
    <text x="770" y="610">Italy</text>	
    <text x="860" y="270">Austria</text>	
  <g style="font-size: 16pt">
    <text x="735" y="290">Liechtenstein</text>	
  <g style="font-size: 28pt; font-family: sans-serif;">
    <text x="130" y="440">French</text>	
    <text x="360" y="270">German</text>	
    <text x="560" y="530">Italian</text>	
    <text x="670" y="440">Romansh</text>	

(If you want to know why, see here.)

It was not easy to upload. I was using Chrome, and most times I pressed the upload button, it gave me the unhelpful, Chrome-generated error message "Aw, Snap!". But I finally got it uploaded, as File:English-language version of Linguistic map of Switzerland.svg, and then found that the line containing its embedded <image> tag had been removed from it, making it fairly useless.

Today I tried with other browsers, which all gave the much more helpful, Wikimedia-generated, message "This file contains HTML or script code that may be erroneously interpreted by a web browser. See the FAQ for more information."

So, I have two questions:

  1. Is there a way I can get this SVG file uploaded?
  2. If not, is there some other way to achieve what I want?

Maproom (talk) 15:13, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

I think external references are not allowed in svg files on Wikimedia projects. Ruslik (talk) 19:42, 11 October 2014 (UTC)
Embedding rasters in vector files is a waste of time and resources, unless a small effect is required that can't be achieved any other way. Either way Commons won't accept SVGs with external links to bitmaps, it has to be embedded within the SVG, not just linked to it. This has the effect of making the file overly large and no longer a vector file, with all the limitations of the raster format. Please don't do it deliberately. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 18:31, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

Photo replacement

I manage Jesse Cook. He has a wikipedia page. We don't like the photo of him in it. How do we replace this photo with one of our own.

Thanks you. — Preceding unsigned comment added by ‎Showbizmanager9 (talk • contribs) 20:15, 13 October 2014‎ (UTC)

Hello ‎Showbizmanager9. First off, please remember to sign your posts on discussion pages (such as this) with four tildes (~~~~) so that people know who's talking.
You can upload a new photo of Jesse Cook if you want, but to be allowed here it has to be "free". This means that you release the image under a licence which allows anyone to use the image for any purpose, including making derivative works or using it for commercial purposes. You must be the copyright holder of the image to be able to release it. As such a picture would likely be a promotional image, I would suggest you do it in contact with our OTRS team, who are there to ensure we have a paper trail in such cases (we get a lot of people who see a professional photo and assume that because it's available on the internet that it can be uploaded here). Then you can go to the wikipedia page for your client, and replace the image title in the infobox with the title of the image you uploaded.
Please be aware however that Wikipedia strongly discourages editing of articles where you have a conflict of interest, and that "advertising, promotion, public relations, and marketing are prohibited" on Wikipedia. -mattbuck (Talk) 21:28, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Just to clarify: there is no conflict of interest in providing us with a good photo. - Jmabel ! talk 23:55, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
I assume you are the same person as, since you've both asked the same question. Please stick to one account, and don't post the same question in several places at once. By the way, this page (the help desk) is the right place to ask; Commons:Administrators' noticeboard/User problems is for reporting problems with other users to administrators. With that out the way, you should probably start by reading Commons:Guidance for paid editors. Cheers, LX (talk, contribs) 16:30, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

Two different images

This File:Maria Sergejeva.jpg article has two different images - how to split them? Christian75 (talk) 16:56, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

My Photo

I need help! I was asked to insert by myself my photo into my personal file of the Hebrew version of Wikipedia: Theo Dov Golan .תיאו דב גולן I am facing difficulties. Can you help me? Thanks, Prof. Theo Dov Golan. .

I'm lost with RTL scripts, but maybe you are talking about this page? You should be able to upload a photo on the he wikipedia upload page, and then use it on the page about you. The photo would then be moved to commons later by a semi-automatic procedure (= not your problem). –Be..anyone (talk) 03:52, 13 October 2014 (UTC)
Except that if it can be moved to commons it is far better to just upload it to commons directly. Just click the link at the left on Commons that says "Upload file". There is often a very long delay in getting files moved to commons from a local wiki. Delphi234 (talk) 01:51, 16 October 2014 (UTC)

Using images in different language Wikipedias

Say if I see a picture in an article (and it says that the source is Wikimedia Commons) and I want to include it in another article (about the same topic, but in a different language), do I have to "upload" it again in the other language section before I can use it? When I tried just using the name of the picture file as it appears in Wikimedia Commons, it appeared as a missing picture. How can I just point to ?refer to a picture already in Commons with out uploading it again (in the Arabic section for example)? Thanks. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 20:25, 14 October 2014‎ (UTC)

Providing images for the different Wikipedias is one of the main purposes of Wikimedia Commons. You should be able to use any image on Commons in any Wikipedia. Which image did you try to use, in which article? --rimshottalk 20:48, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
In general, Image, and File, work in every wiki, but not the other language names for "file". At the top of the edit window, between the little chain link and the open book, is an image of a picture, if you click on that, it will open up a window that allows you to insert the name of the file (without File:), and select several properties, and if you wish, fill in the comment field which will be added. But yes, all images on commons can be used in any project. It is strongly encouraged to upload files to commons, for that reason, instead of to a local wiki. Delphi234 (talk) 01:21, 16 October 2014 (UTC)

copyright to publish the photo secured by the article contributor

--Free writing (talk) 05:47, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Send the details of your permission to publish the photographs to OTRS so that Commons has a paper trail to confirm this. Note that you need permission to publish the image under a free license. MKFI (talk) 07:49, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Also note that the permission needs to come from the copyright holder of the photo, which is normally the photographer – not the person appearing in the photograph. Similarly, "author" on the file description page means the person who created the photograph. This doesn't appear to be a selfie, and nothing in the file's metadata suggests that it was taken with a remote or timer release. LX (talk, contribs) 08:53, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

copyright to use the photo secured by the contributor --Free writing (talk) 05:49, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Permission must be granted by the copyright owner, unless it's an obvious "own work" or public domain. See previous answer. GermanJoe (talk) 10:54, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

copyright to use this photo secured by the contributor

--Free writing (talk) 05:51, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Permission must be granted by the copyright owner, unless it's an obvious "own work" or public domain. See previous answer. GermanJoe (talk) 10:54, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

Transfer of images uploaded to other websites to Commons

Is there a reasonably easy automated way to copy large numbers of suitably licensed photographs from another website to Commons? If so, is it possible to collect associated data at the same time for use in the file description? · · · Peter (Southwood) (talk): 05:59, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

What do I do if another user does not know my language, but refuses to even attempt to translate what I say?

On forecast tracks from the National Hurricane Center, I try very hard to make sure that the file histories remain very thorough, orderly, consistent, and complete, so I have been leaving notices on the main file pages asking users to please comply with my request whereas summaries should be consistent (preferably in numerical format to work for other languages), no advisories shall be skipped, and the track line will always be included. However, there is this Chinese user, Asdfugil, who I doubt knows much if any English, and who consistently ignores almost every notice I leave on the file description page, and this user also ignored me even after I left a request on his/her talk page. I dislike bad file histories, but far more than anything else, I hate being ignored. Is there some sort of guideline I should follow? Perhaps a way to translate my notices? Everyone else seems willing to comply, so I don't think it is right that one user will mess this up just because he/she doesn't want to take the time to translate (or attempt to translate) anything not in Chinese. I may be wrong here to some degree, and I may have completely misunderstood the situation, but that is what it appears like to me, and that doesn't change the fact that this user is ignoring my notices and complicating things unnecessarily. I will admit that under no circumstances was my angry upload summary justified (and I reverted to the wrong version anyway for a reason I cannot name; maybe I wasn't paying enough attention or something), but I cannot fix the file history, and it is a hassle because I could do all of the uploading of advisories without having another user skipping advisories and uploading the wrong versions despite my requests. Dustin (talk) 15:38, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

If you want to get the message through to someone, then the onus is on you to be understood. It's your responsibility to translate what you want to say, not theirs to hear. Go to, type in your message and set it to translate into Chinese, then copy & paste the characters into your message. How hard is that? It may mangle your English words but the Chinese user should be able to get some understanding from it, cetainly better than what you are achieving at the moment. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 15:45, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Fred, Google translations from English into Chinese & vice versa are pretty awful; if you doubt that, send some text on a round trip.
Dustin, you probably should try to track down someone who knows both English and Chinese and is willing to help out as a translator/interpreter. - Jmabel ! talk 16:40, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Yes they are awful, hence my last sentence, but ultimately it's still better (and probably far more useful) than whining about someone not making an effort to listen. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 17:23, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Dustin, this is a multilingual project so you don't need to go far to find a bilingual person. If you look at the top there should be a whole bunch of links to versions of this page in other languages. In particular there is the Chinese version of the Help Desk. I would recommend writing a message there in English, politely explaining your predicament and ask if anyone would be willing to help. Green Giant (talk) 19:46, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

I recently requested permission from the author, Michael Mauboussin, of an article, What Have You Learned in the Past 2 Seconds?, to post the article publicly and he graciously allowed it. The email is from 2014 Oct 18. Commons link below. I can provide a copy of the email if it matters.

It's a great article and I would like to link to it from his Wikipedia page (

This is regarding: --Ram Moskovitz (talk) 18:57, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

  • "[H]e graciously allowed it" is not a license, because it is not clear what rights he has granted. Placing it in the public domain? Some specific CC license? Also, given that this is someone else's previously published copyrighted work, you will have to go through the process described at COM:OTRS. - Jmabel ! talk 19:19, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

I asked him if I could post it publicly and he was amenable. The plain english rights he granted were for public posting and public reading of the article - ie non-commercial use. Is plain english no longer a thing? If this won't suffice then feel free to delete the submission and I will post it publicly elsewhere, no harm done. Cheers. --Ram Moskovitz (talk) 19:31, 18 October 2014 (UTC)

FWIW if you examine the doc there is no explicit (c) so it is presumably, im my expert opinion (IANAL), his to license as he sees fit.

All works are de facto copyrighted, the (c) is not necessary to claim that right. Declaring something as PD or CC etc is, in effect, the rights holder declaring that he/she isn't claiming those full explicit rights and is giving some of those rights away, ie it's an "opt out", not an "opt in" --Fred the Oyster (talk) 22:21, 18 October 2014 (UTC)
Ram Moskovitz, whatever conversation you have had with the copyright holder is just that - a private conversation. Files cannot be hosted on Commons without clear and explicit licenses per COM:L. You should either provide evidence or ask the copyright holder to follow the procedure at COM:OTRS. Green Giant (talk) 00:58, 19 October 2014 (UTC)
"Non-commercial use" is not acceptable as a limitation for files here on Commons. Commercial use must be allowed. See Commons:Scope. - Jmabel ! talk 06:44, 19 October 2014 (UTC)

Total number of photos uploaded?

I don't remember how to find out the number of photos I've uploaded since creating my account. Can someone tell me where to find out that information? (if that function is still available) Thanks. AgnosticPreachersKid (talk) 04:32, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

The normal upload listing does not show you this. You can use, however this timesout without any result for me at the moment, possibly a problem on WMFlabs. A direct database query shows me you have uploaded 2,360 currently displayed images on Commons. -- (talk) 06:33, 20 October 2014 (UTC)
Try with [1]. Regards, Yann (talk) 09:44, 20 October 2014 (UTC)
I appreciate the help. AgnosticPreachersKid (talk) 11:01, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

SVG improvement requested

File:Complex plane examples 1.svg should be improved but I don't know how. Note: SVG version is set to 1.2 tiny for mobile devices.

The main problem cannot be resolved because MediaWiki doesn't allow the <image xlink:href> tag to include File:Complex plane cartesian.svg. Please, ignore the sections relating to this problem.

How can I simplify the following parts:

  • Repeat horizontal and vertical lines: Derived from File:Complex plane cartesian.svg there are several similar lines, e.g. units at the horizontal axis:
    <path d = "M 80,400 V 420 M 160,400 V 420 M 240,400 V 420 M 320,400 V 420 (and so on) />
    The starting points differ by the x values (adding 80) but use equal y values and lenghts. Is there a way to simplify this code? Is animation a regular feature to this request?
  • Repeat scale units: In the same way, the description of the units at the axises are similar: The x values differ by 80, the text contents are integers added by 1.
  • Marker definitions: All the marker definitions differ by the fill attribute only. They are used in the groups at the end of the SVG file (see next problem). I didn't find a way to use one and only marker definition and set the fill color in the specific group resp. the line in the group. Nothing helps: fill="inherit" in the definition, using or omitting the fill attribute at several places, and other trials.
    It's useless to define one marker for each color. All I want to do is to paint a colored line and set the marker-end to the same color.
  • Repeat groups of line/marker/text: Each complex number is painted by a group containing a line with marker-end and a text in the same color.
    • Unfortunately, the line uses the fill attribute to set the color while the text uses the stroke attribute.
    • Next, the line's starting point is the origin (400,400) in all cases. Can I define such a line using the same starting point with different ending points and different colors?
    • Next, the text uses the same structure: the letter 'z', followed by a subscript index, followed by more text. This structure is the same in all groups (especially the tspan attributes and the font attributes); differences are the starting points (must set manually) and the text contents.
Is there a way to define such a group with one attribute to set the color for all needings and other attributes for the differences?

I'm an SVG beginner with much experience in C# and MediaWiki templates. I was looking for features on and on, but didn't find - e.g. b:de:SVG or markers (W3C). Can someone help me? -- Thank you very much! Juergen (talk) 07:52, 3 October 2014 (UTC)

There are some ways to collapse recurring bits of SVG code with a <use... tag, but you usually have to be very aware of details of how your vector editor software works to get the emitted code to use this effectively. Another path is to hand-edit the SVG code in a text editor... AnonMoos (talk) 15:14, 3 October 2014 (UTC)
I forgot to say that I'm creating the SVG manually with Notepad++. I'll check how the "use" tag works and try. -- Juergen (talk) 15:32, 3 October 2014 (UTC)
Some more test results:
  • <use...> is helpful in relation to repeated elements. On the other side, one path element is shorter and more clearly than eight or twelve use elements.
  • use may also help in relation to my last problem (repeating groups).
  • The marker definition remains to be a problem: I didn't find a way how to set the marker's color to the line's color. Either the marker's color is defined directly:
    <marker id="triangle" ...><path fill="green" d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" /></marker>
    Or the marker shows the default color, i.e. black. Any other definition of marker's fill attribute doesn't work (auto, inherit, currentColor; moved from the path element to the marker element itself).
What else can I do? -- Juergen (talk) 10:11, 4 October 2014 (UTC)
Things to do: Check that the SVG is valid by adding {{Uf|Juetho|T|v}} or similar, where T means text editor, and v is valid. If it's not valid replace v by the number of reported errors. Just to figure out how this works I did that with your SVG arriving at a valid basic 1.1. (Tiny 1.1 didn't work, and Tiny 1.2 already allows scripts.)  Be..anyone (talk) 10:17, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
Sorry, I don't understand anything. Your changes may be well-meant, but why did you do this? My simple SVG file is replaced by a lot of symbols; integers are replaced by float values; lines only are replaced by curves; I don't find text elements. Reading such a complex structure I'm not able to learn SVG and to create a correct SVG file. I'ld prefer to read hints and comments concerning my definition and my questions above instead of a new file without any description or explanation. Perhaps, I should be prevented from creating my own files. -- Juergen (talk) 14:32, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
PS. I want to use more SVG files to illustrate the German Wikibook Komplexe Zahlen (Complex Numbers). It should be better to create the files by myself than to beg for services. Therefore I want to know what to do. It's not enough to read one renewed file and to make the same mistakes in any later file. -- Juergen (talk) 14:56, 9 October 2014 (UTC)
You asked for improvements, and a minimal requirement is "valid SVG". Just revert or overwrite my upload, rsvg conversions of broken SVG to valid SVG tend to be really simple. The validator link now exists, you can flip {{Uf|T|v}} from v (valid) to say 1 (one error) and back again as needed. –Be..anyone (talk) 15:16, 9 October 2014 (UTC)

I replaced the file using my own one after minimal corrections: By a little mistake, the file was stored as UTF-8 with BOM; I removed BOM as well as the version attribute. Now it is my work, and the file is valid.

Once again: How can I change the marker definition so that the marker's color is the same as the line's color without defining a marker type for each color separately? -- Juergen (talk) 09:51, 11 October 2014 (UTC)

Just a thought, but why not just use CSS markup in a style header? That can save an awful lot of repetitive code. incidentally, the renderer here uses "Liberation Sans" as the default sans-serif font, and with using absolute pixel measurements for font size, e.g "16px" instead of "16" or "16pt" you will get a lot more accuracy with where the renderer puts the text elements as at the best of times it's a best guess estimate where it's actually going to put the text, especially when it's relative to other text. Incidentally, although it validates, and I don't know about Inkscape, but the file is completely broken in Illustrator (not that it's truly relevant, just thought you may like to know).--Fred the Oyster (talk) 22:37, 14 October 2014 (UTC)
"why not just use CSS markup"?
Because I'm a newbie. Indeed, this simplifies my code. Nevertheless, CSS doesn't resolve my marker problem because the marker attributes are part of SVG, but not part of CSS. Therefore, I cannot define a complete marker style. Although I define path styles using classes default, red, green etc., I have to define a marker for each color:
<marker id="triangle" ...><path class="default" d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" /></marker>
<marker id="red-triangle" ...><path class="red" d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" /></marker>
Accuracy and text positions don't matter. I want to show complex numbers inside a wikibook using standard browsers and hope that works. -- Juergen (talk) 10:10, 16 October 2014 (UTC)

Please, please: Is there any possibility to define multiple markers that differ by color only without repeating the full marker definition? -- Juergen (talk) 09:41, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

Have you looked at the "def" instruction? Define an instance of however you want a specific marker to look, then refer to the specific def instance (rather than a new marker element) whenever you want it displayed. Much like referring to classes in object oriented languages. Sorry I can't give specific help on markers as I'm a designer not a coder {at least not any more) --Fred the Oyster (talk) 10:22, 25 October 2014 (UTC)
Of course, I tried to understand <defs>. I define a marker and a path as arrow and use this path:
<marker id="triangle" ...><path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" /></marker>
<path id="arrow" d="M 400,400 H 800" marker-end="url(#triangle)" />
<use xlink:href="#arrow" />
This works. But I'm not able to use another color for both the horizontal line and the marker. None of the following works (the class "red" is defined for paths, the first two tests should be the same). Each test shows black line and black marker (black as default value).
<use xlink:href="#arrow" class="red" />
<use class="red" xlink:href="#arrow" />
<use style="fill:red; stroke:red; " xlink:href="#arrow" />  <!-- the class definition -->
<use fill="red" stroke="red" xlink:href="#arrow" />
The only way how to change the path's color is in the defs section. But this way changes the line itself only, but not the marker! At the moment, I surrender. I'll use colored path elements at each position with black markers. But can you tell me a user forum where I can ask those simple questions? -- Thanks for your help at all! Juergen (talk) 11:25, 26 October 2014 (UTC)
That's not how defs work. You have to set up a specific def for every variant of a marker. You can't set a def, call it, then add extra info to that definition (other than placement/transform parameters etc). If def id="triangle" has a red triangle, you can't then call that def and make it an instance with a blue triangle. You have to have a separate def for the red triangle, the blue triangle, the black stroke etc. Ultimately the def is just a code snippet that gets re-used later on down the document (actually it can be placed anywhere, not just at the top) when it's called. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 11:39, 26 October 2014 (UTC)
That's a very unique hint:
You have to have a separate def for the red triangle, the blue triangle, the black stroke etc.
As I wrote in my last contrib, I'll use black markers for all the rays under those conditions. Once again: Thank you very much! -- Juergen (talk) 12:22, 26 October 2014 (UTC)
This section was archived on a request by: Juergen (talk) 12:22, 26 October 2014 (UTC)

Use of images by Artist Raphael Toussaint


I am a cross stitch designer and owner of Sunrays Creations, and want to make sure I have permission to use images provided by the artist Raphael Toussaint to convert to cross stitch patterns for retail sale and to display these patterns on my website. I would give full credit and attribution to the artist and would include the proper linkage back to Wikimedia as stipulated. Since my use is for commercial use, I just want to make sure I can use the images.

Tracey Kramer/OwnerTKB7117 (talk) 21:11, 20 October 2014 (UTC)

@TKB7117: Your best bet is to read the license on the image's page, but yes commercial purposes are okay. If it's not then the files shouldn't be here. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 00:20, 21 October 2014 (UTC)
Given your intent, though, you probably would also do well to post something on the page reminding your users of the requirement to attribute if they display their work publicly. - Jmabel ! talk 00:30, 21 October 2014 (UTC)
@TKB7117: Just to be safe, I have requested a check of the relevant OTRS-ticket here. Such requests may need a few days / weeks though, depending on the OTRS-team's current backlog. See also Commons:OTRS for some general information about such permissions (usually per mail). Note, that we (as Commons volunteers) cannot "give permission" for usage, that's solely up to the current copyright owner. GermanJoe (talk) 13:38, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Thank you both for your help. I appreciate it greatly. Tracey

Hello, Yes, one of the basic principles of Wikimedia is that you may reuse the contents for any purpose, including commercial use, as long as you comply with the terms of the specific license offered by the author. We see that the works of Toussaint are available under a choice of five options of licenses: four different versions of CC-by-sa (versions 1.0, 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0) and GFDL. You will choose one option out of the five available. Any one of the available Creative Commons (CC) license versions would be fine for your use. In any case, you will certainly want to read the full license contract of the license you will choose. You can follow the link to the license contract from the description page of the image. That will take you, for example, to the CC-by-sa 3.0 license. The texts may look more complex than they really are. For example, requirements may be that, on all copies you distribute or display, you attribute to the author's name (Raphaël Toussaint), mention the title, and explicitly mention the license and provide at least the url to that license. However, it is important to note that all the licence options offered by Toussaint on his works include also a "share-alike" clause. That is to say, you may still use his works for free and convert them to derivative works (cross stitch patterns) and display and sell those patterns for any price you want, but then the share-alike clause means that those patterns (derivative works) must be offered by you under the same license as the original works of Toussaint, i.e. those patterns may also be freely copied by anybody else, under the same license terms. In other words, that clause means that the patterns derived from Toussaint's works must explicitly bear the same license and that it will not be possible for you to replace that license with an "all rights reserved" interdiction or to keep your clients, or anyone else, from copying those particular patterns and eventually selling their own copies of those patterns. That said, you might also contact directly the author if you wanted to try to negotiate with him different license terms, other that the licenses already available. The author and you are free to conclude any particular business arrangement on which you both personally agree. There is a contact form on Toussaint's website. -- Asclepias (talk) 17:30, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Hi, the image was made in the 1934, the informations that I know about it are these:

«Bild aus: Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. Herausgegeben von Dr. Gerhard Lüdtke. 31. Jahrgang. 1934. Zweite Abteilung. Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Berlin und Leipzig 1934. — Heidegger trägt u. a. in seiner Eigenschaft als Rektor, d. h. als «Führer» der Universität Freiburg i. Br. auf der Brust das Hoheitszeichen der Politischen Leiter der NSDAP. Einziges Bild in dem rund 2000 Seiten umfassenden Band. Im Vorwort des Herausgebers heisst es: Herr Prof. Dr. Martin Heidegger in Freiburg i. Br. hatte die Freundlichkeit, uns für diesen Band sein Bild zur Verfügung zu stellen. Wir sprechen ihm auch hier unseren Dank dafür aus.»

I found them — the image and the informations — in this book: Nachlese zur Heidegger. Dokumente zu seinem Leben und Denken, Guido Schneeberger, Bern, Selbstverlag, 1962, p. 193 (pdf p. 205)

For my knowledge of German, that is not the best (I translated the caption it with with google translator), I understood that the image was gave to the yearbook Minerva. Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt from Heidegger himself, but I'm not totally sure of that and I didn't found the author's name of the image. 'casualcausal'/'causalcasual' reader (:, could you help me to find the author and to know if the image is of public domain? --Karlzeno (talk) 13:51, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Hi, the image was made the 11 november 1933, the informations that I know about it are these:

«Deutschlands Wissenschaftler wissen sich eins mit dem Führer. Die grosse Wahl kundgebung der deutschen Wissensch aft am 11. November [1933] in der Alberthalle zu Leipzig. Von links aus: Stabsleiter des NSLB. Sachsen, Schulrat Geyer, Glauchau; Rektor Prof. Dr. Golf. Leipzig; Rektor Prof. Dr. Schmidt, Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Friedr. Karl Schumann, Halle; Prof. Dr. Hirsch, Göttingen; Gauobmann des NSLB. Sachsen, Arthur Göpfert, Dresden; Rektor Prof. Dr. Heidegger, Freiburg; Prof. Dr. Pinder, München; Rektor Prof. Dr. Fischer, Berlin; Prof. Dr. Sauerbruch, Berlin. (Phot. Tiedemann.) [Bild aus: Illustrierte Zeitung. Leipzig. Nr. 4628, 23. November 1933, S. 592. Siehe hierzu die Texte Nr. 119, 126 und 132.]»

I found them — the image and the informations — in this book: Nachlese zur Heidegger. Dokumente zu seinem Leben und Denken, Guido Schneeberger, Bern, Selbstverlag, 1962, p. 145 (pdf p. 147)

For my knowledge of German, that is not the best (I translated the caption it with with google translator), I understand, if I'm not wrong (but I'm not totally sure of that), that the photo was published by the Illustrierte Zeitung in the november 1933; but I'm not sure (I don't know (:) if «(Phot. Tiedemann.)» is relate to the source of the photo: «Phot.» means photograph, photographer?

'casualcausal'/'causalcasual' reader (:, is Tiedemann the author's surname? the image is of public domain? --Karlzeno (talk) 14:20, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Is there a basic overview of how Search works? (None found)

Hi, I'm a new user, searching in wikipedia commons for images that have certain necessary parameters of subject and size.

I can't find instructions for how the search engine works in most basic form. I did find:

-- Help:CirrusSearch, that lists the differences between the old engine and the new engine, but that seems to be full of jargon and assumptions about what I'll already know about how it used to work.

-- Help:Contents, that lists a vast number of help-related pages -- but none of them are about how to search.

Is there any place that lists clearly and simply things like Boolean operators, must include, must exlude, etc. as they are implemented by the current Wikipedia Commons? And, say, how to only look for image files, and/or only image files larger than a certain resolution?

In other words, how your Search engine works -- for a new user?

Thanks — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs) 18:51, 21 October 2014‎ (UTC)

  • mw:Help:CirrusSearch is pretty comprehensive for what we've got. "New" is relative, this has been the search for about half a year.
  • I don't think there is any search on filesize.
  • A minus sign immediately before a term (no space in between) should get you the "exclude" effect. Other than that, I believe everything is ANDed; I don't think there is an OR.
  • If you can say specifically what you want to find, someone may be able to help you with a more specialized tool. - Jmabel ! talk 23:51, 21 October 2014 (UTC)

Screenshot of software tool

Hello everybody, I'm writing on this article right now: [2] and would like to add an image of the industrial use to it. Therefore I asked the company/developer of it to get a screenshot from them. Is there any possibility to use this image ? Just at beginning the upload I've seen that software screenshots are not allowed, but during my research I found a lot of articles including some screenshots. So what is the exactly guidance ? Is there any difference between ? Thank you very much. Best regards, (QARon (talk) 08:48, 22 October 2014 (UTC))

There's two ways you can go with this, firstly you can contact the developers and get them to send an email to the OTRS system licensing that particular image with a license that's compatible with Commons, or secondly (the most likely one) upload a low resolution version of the image to the specific Wikipedia (rather than Commons) you are writing the article on and post it as being "fair use". --Fred the Oyster (talk) 09:49, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
Exactly, the first option would be the preferred one though. See COM:OTRS and/or en:Wikipedia:Non-free content for further information. --El Grafo (talk) 10:58, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

User categories

I often upload files from Flickr with the specific consent of the copyright holder. May I establish a hidden category in that Flickr member's name or must he first become a Commons user and then do it for himself - then I will use it. Thanks, Eddaido (talk) 00:20, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

How about that: Instead of creating a user category you generate categories like "Category:Flickr pictures of ..." where you categorize the files to; you can edit any information, galleries, explanation either into this category, or into created pages categorized to it.
When you look at Photographers on Flickr you may get ideas hot to use an existing category or to create a new one fitting into this system, and/or edit such a category to a useful formatting. sarang사랑 07:28, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
Many thanks, Eddaido (talk) 11:51, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

--Remonharris (talk) 05:03, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

  • You're the uploader. You didn't indicate any license. You give a Twitter account as a source, but no reason to think the image there is either free-licensed or in the public domain. Looks to me like it doesn't belong on Commons. Is there anything you think I'm missing? - Jmabel ! talk 15:40, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

--Calogero90 (talk) 17:51, 28 October 2014 (UTC) help me to get the license. I created the image using the example of the boundaries of the maps of the items in this model: and this image: which license should I use? how to insert as the license?

PS I do not know the English language

Calogero90 (talk) 18:51, 28 october 2014

This section was archived on a request by: Jmabel ! talk 15:51, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

Wrong files, need to be moved and copied

There are currently a few related files for pronunciations of some Dutch words:

But there is a problem with the pronunciations of these files. eïs and Eïs are homophones, and this is reflected correctly in the files (although they seem to be separate recordings, which is a bit odd). ijs and eis are also homophones, but the eis file is wrong. Instead of sounding like ijs, it seems to be a third recording of eïs/Eïs. The file ijs really needs to be copied into the eis name so that both have the same pronunciation recording. The same could perhaps done with eïs and Eïs but this is not strictly necessary as they are already correct as they are. CodeCat (talk) 00:58, 14 October 2014 (UTC)

To request that a file name be changed, add {{rename|suggested file name|3}} just above the description, where 3=the reason, correct misleading names into accurate ones, and a "filemover" (person who can change file names) will move it. You can upload a new version of a file, but a file can not simultaneously have two different recordings. Delphi234 (talk) 01:45, 16 October 2014 (UTC)
So I need to save File:nl-ijs.ogg and then re-upload it as File:nl-eis.ogg, overwriting the old one? CodeCat (talk) 17:48, 17 October 2014 (UTC)
I am not completely clear about which file is wrong and what you want to do about it, but if there are two files, called A and B, but one is incorrect, you can just upload a correct version. If there are two files called A and B, but B is actually about the subject C, then you can request that B be renamed as C. If there also needs to be a file about B, you can upload it after B has been renamed to C. It is a bit tricky uploading a file to one that is now a redirect. I have done it a couple of different ways. Most recently I added all the information about B instead of the redirect, and it then said "there is no file of this name, but if you would like to upload one, you can". But when I tried, it gave an error. But when I clicked the box "ignore errors" it proceeded with the upload. File names need to be meaningful for the file they are used for, and when they are not, they need to be renamed to become meaningful. Delphi234 (talk) 09:27, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

Upload complete feature movie (own work, license cc by-sa)

Hello everyone! Can i upload a complete feature movie at wikimedia commons, or is this the wrong place? I have all rights to publish, this is a colloborative work with others in the spirit of free culture, everything within is own work (script, camera, sound, effects). At the moment the film is about 1,5 GB at 720p and its length is about 64 min. Thanks for your answer! Michael Georgi — Preceding unsigned comment added by Micha.georgi (talk • contribs)

File rename question

Hi, before I do something wrong I better ask people who know: I want to move/rename the file W3C valid.svg to Buggy W3C valid.svg, keeping all its history and versions, and without renaming all its many links; then upload a bugless version to W3C valid.svg.

The now existing file has an interesting bug (when rendered with other widths than 200px) I liked to keep and explain in Pictures showing a librsvg bug. The new file was test-uploaded at 06:44, 22 October 2014 to Test.svg. Thanx for your help sarang사랑 06:40, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

Oh* good example. But I would not move this file! Make a copy of the buggy version and fix the original. PS: the bug is style="writing-mode:tb-rl;" related. It seems in combination of text scale (I saw this on another file). Best regardsUser: Perhelion (Commons: = crap?)10:28, 22 October 2014 (UTC)
PS: This is new, because I purged the image-cache and it also appears on 200px. So we do need the fix now (SVG file). But I mean this is not a libRSVG bug, rater than Inkscape and Firefox.[3]User: Perhelion (Commons: = crap?)17:06, 22 October 2014 (UTC)

Admin help request

I cannot do that without admin help: the first step (move/rename without altering all its usages) would work fine; it will also be possible to exstinguish the automatic generated CommonsDelinker-RenameRequest; but when I try to upload the new file with the name of the old file (which will be redirecting to the renamed file), the msg occurs "Upload error: A file with this name exists already in the shared file repository. If you still want to upload your file, please go back and use a new name." But I want that all file usages everywhere get the 'new' file instead being redirected to the renamed 'old' file'. Therefore I ask an administrator to help me with this action. sarang사랑 06:07, 23 October 2014 (UTC)

✓ Done Thanks, I posted on that noticeboard, now I'm waiting. sarang사랑 17:40, 23 October 2014 (UTC)
Renaming a file though, does not require an admin, but anyone with filemover status. Just add the {{Rename}} template to the top of the file. In this case though, a better version was just uploaded, as there was no reason to keep the buggy file as a separate file. Delphi234 (talk) 20:12, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

Upload a picture for an article

Hello, I would like to upload a picture for an info box for a musical artist. I took the picture myself. I do not want to give it creative commons because I do not want others to copy, modify or use it without my permission. I can't figure out what other license to use.

Thanks, Tony — Preceding unsigned comment added by Brillahead (talk • contribs)

@Brillahead: Hi,
Then you cannot upload it here, and you cannot use it for your article, because these are required for all documents on Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia. Regards, Yann (talk) 22:00, 23 October 2014 (UTC)
This is a common problem for professional photographers, and the only solution is to take a photo, or create a version of a photo, that you are willing to have a CC license. There are cases where an image can be used on a wiki but not commons, where the image has a fair use rational. Note, you can not just reduce the resolution, because it is my understanding that technically you will have just licensed all resolutions of that image as CC, but a reduced resolution image can be used under fair use in the article, without losing the copyright status which prohibits modifying the image. See the fair use guidelines on the wiki where you wish to use the image. Delphi234 (talk) 20:20, 25 October 2014 (UTC)
Any free license, or a public domain release, would do, not only a free CC license. Non-free CC licenses would not do. Non-free-content exceptions on wikipedias are not meant to be a way for authors to ignore the requirement of free content, by posting any non-free work and avoid a free release. -- Asclepias (talk) 23:16, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

Quiero seleccionar categoria

Quiero seleccionar una categoria para mis fotos, ya que me interesa participar del concurso wikitours 2014 argentina. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Maticlarisuarez (talk • contribs) 03:00, 24 October 2014‎ (UTC)

Linking an image to a wikipedia page


I uploaded the following image from Google Maps:

to link to the following page (number 38):,_Utah

But I'm not sure how to link them together?

Thank you for your help! Mehansen76 (talk) 05:45, 24 October 2014 (UTC)

@Mehansen76: You simply link to the file using this sort of link [[File:Frank Hansen House.png|right|thumb|Frank Hansen's house]]. Although in this case it's moot as your upload is a copyright violation. Google Maps images are copyrighted by Google. You can't simply extract an image from Maps and upload it here. Sorry. --Fred the Oyster (talk) 09:46, 24 October 2014 (UTC)
It is my understanding that most of the images on Google Earth come from private satellites and not from government satellites. If it was from a US government satellite it would be fair game, but of course (as far as I know) Google does not say where they got the image. During the Iraq war, the US government said that they had "bought all the satellite images of Iraq so that no one else could obtain them, a statement about as absurd as saying that someone had "bought up all the copies of the Wikipedia article on fish, so that no one else could read it". Delphi234 (talk) 20:26, 25 October 2014 (UTC)

Adding this additional image version to File:Shipyard, Nikolaev, c. 1900.jpg

At,_Nikolaev,_c._1900.jpg is provision for "Other versions".

I would like to add to "Other versions" the image from here (2nd image down)

Please advise. Also, I do not know how to upload images.

Thank you,

Tachypaidia — Preceding unsigned comment added by Tachypaidia (talk • contribs)

Other versions is about other images here, not on other sites. But as it happens somebody has already uploaded File:Парус.jpg, and it is already listed as other version of File:Shipyard, Nikolaev, c. 1900.jpg. Nothing to do. :-)Be..anyone (talk) 04:10, 27 October 2014 (UTC)

Help using image copyrighted image from foreign-language Wikipedia

The file Retno_Marsudi.jpg on Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia would be suitable for the Retno Marsudi page on English-language Wikipedia (currently does not have an image), but the image seems to be copyrighted. No other suitable images seem to be available. What is the best course of action here? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Shreyas208 (talk • contribs)

This question would probably be better asked on the English-language Wikipedia. But some quick info to get you started: English Wikipedia also allows fair-use images (not on Commons, but locally on the English Wikipedia project). See en:WP:NFCC for more details. Please make sure, the image meets all 10 listed criteria before uploading it to en-Wiki. By the way, please sign your messages with 4 tilde characters (~~~~) at the end. GermanJoe (talk) 13:56, 27 October 2014 (UTC)
In theory the English Wikipedia and a few others (but not Commons) permit "fair use" images, i.e., small images required to illustrate some subject on a specific page. Example, the copyrighted non-free logo of a company on a page about this company. If you upload an image for "fair use" you have to fill out a form explaining why you think it's required and where it should be used. If you ask on en:project:Help desk you can use the link [[:id:Retno_Marsudi.jpg]]. –Be..anyone (talk) 14:14, 27 October 2014 (UTC)

Editing an existing photo in Commons--How to upload to the same location as original

I have edited someone's photo in Commons--How do I upload to the same location as the original? And do I change the file name? — Preceding unsigned comment added by Paul Goggins (talk • contribs) 20:47, 27 October 2014‎ (UTC)

Go to the bottom of the file history (it's lower on the page). Immediately below that is a link: "Upload a new version of this file". To change a file name, you must request for the file to be moved. You may easily carry out this request by clicking on the "move" tab at the top of the page. I can't guarantee that this will all work, but that always worked for me in the past. Dustin (talk) 20:56, 27 October 2014 (UTC)
You're not telling what kind of edit you made or what photo. Make sure you have read the page Commons:Overwriting existing files to know where you should upload your version. But the fact that you're contemplating a change of the file name following the edit sounds like a clue that you may have made a substantial modification. N.B. Please do not crosspost the same topic to several discussion pages. -- Asclepias (talk) 21:45, 27 October 2014 (UTC)

Doubt about uploading a photo


I'm working on the portuguese page about the sociologist Gresham Sykes, and I'd like to publish a photo of him. The only one I've found so far is the one available on his obituary, in the ASC page ( I've talked to their director of media, and she doesn't know if the image is under Creative Commons. Can I upload it to Wikimedia Commons, linking it to the ASC page?

Thank you very much


@Isanogreis: If you don't have proof (or at least good evidence) that the images has been released under a license compatible with COM:Licensing, then you can't upload it. There is a note below the text that the obituary had been published in the December 2010 issue of Footnotes first. That's here. The obituary is on page 19, but without the image - so unfortunately that doesn't help us. Sorry, don't have any more ideas apart from trying to contact Mr. Heiner, who seems to be the author of the text. If he also owns the copyright of the image you could ask if he would be willing to release it under a free license – but make sure to read and understand COM:OTRS and COM:Licensing first. --El Grafo (talk) 22:07, 29 October 2014 (UTC)


Dear friends,

I am asking for your help in establishing the further matter regarding copyright. I have just created a wikipedia's page about some historic building (, and plan to add it with some beautiful old pictures. How can I found out, whether it is possible for me to upload them? (I mean the aspect of copyright).

Some of these pictures are made in 1881, some of them - someday during the occupation of Russia in WWII (1941-45).

The thing that caused this question is that I have found some of these pictures in Russian version of Wikipedia, but they are not supported in English version, when I try to put the links on them.

Thank you, --Sterndmitri (talk) 14:44, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

For photos from Russia in general, see Commons:Copyright rules by territory#Russia and former Soviet Union. We might be able to provide more specific assistance if you mention which photos you have in mind. As I understand it, you're talking about the articles en:Chamber of Facets on English Wikipedia and ru:Владычная палата. One of the photos used in the Russian article but not in the English one is File:Vladychnoe Chamber.jpg (which mentions 1881), and that one is actually hosted on Commons, in case that was one of the photos you had in mind. The other one would be ru:File:Владычная палата.jpg. That one looks like it might be old enough that copyright has expired, but it doesn't look like the information on the file description page is good enough to tell for sure. LX (talk, contribs) 17:34, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

The file I uploaded was removed and I want to place it back, this time with copyright information which was missing. --Ardeidaeraiger (talk) 17:45, 30 October 2014 (UTC)

@Ardeidaeraiger: Hi,
This picture was made in 1955, had no license, and no proper source. This name is not appropriate anyway. So, if and only if you have a permission from the copyright holder, please reupload it under a proper name. I think you probably also need to send a permission following the procedure at COM:OTRS. Regards, Yann (talk) 17:53, 30 October 2014 (UTC)