Template:File renaming reasons/i18n/sl

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This page is a translated version of a page Template:File renaming reasons/i18n and the translation is 37% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Template:File renaming reasons/i18n and have to be approved by a translation administrator.
Warning This template is used in MediaWiki:RenameRequest.js (called via MediaWiki:Gadget-RenameLink.js). If you make modifications, especially if you are a filemover or sysop, ensure it be compatible with the gadget. Otherwise it may fail and new users will be unable to request renaming with the User Interface or the latter is messed-up. In case of changes, ensure that all languages are up-to-date. Translators: If a translation isn't updated in the gadget, purge server-side cache.

Ali je ime datoteke primerno, je pogosto odvisno od seznanjenosti posameznika s predmetom, ki je pogosto upodobljeni kraj. Zgodi se tudi, da so predmeti različnim sodelavcem znani pod razlčnimi imeni ali pa da menijo, da so entitete zlasti dobro poznane pod izrazom, s katerim jih opisujejo sami, pri čemer zanemarijo kulturne razlike, kar se lahko zgodi celo znotraj posameznih držav.

Nič manj pomemben ni namen, ki naj bi ga ime datoteke imelo; sodelavci, ki pogosto kategorizirajo datoteke, imajo drugačne potrebe kot tisti, ki jih ustvarjajo, obdelujejo, upravljajo in nalagajo. Naložniki imajo pogosto sheme za poimenovanje svojih datotek; njihova prestavitev jih lahko prekine. Če je le mogoče, je treba ohraniti jezik in shemo, pa tudi podatek o fotoaparatu ali kataloško številko.

Commons:Preimenovanje datotek opisuje, kako naj bodo datoteke v Zbirki poimenovanje. Na splošno si prizadevamo uporabljati stabilna imena datotek, saj jih uporabljajo zunanji uporabniki in je za prestavljanje datotek treba vložiti veliko človeških in računalniških virov. Preimenovanje mora biti zato dobro utemeljeno. Trenutno obstaja 6 nespornih razlogov za preimenovanje:

Št. Namen Zgled (staro ime) Zgled (novo ime)
1. Na zahtevo prvotnega naložnika.[1]
2. Sprememba iz nesmiselnega ali dvoumnega imena v ime, ki opisuje, kaj točno slika prikazuje.[2] File:DSC 1342.jpg (no information at all) File:Pretoria Venningpark DSC 1342.jpg
File:20110428 OH K1023900 0014.JPG - Flickr - NZ Defence Force.jpg (only photographer or rights holder) File:Helicopter A109LUH(NZ) by NZ Defence Force.jpg
File:20120519 3349.CR2.png (only date) File:Sebkha-Chott 3349.png
File:Paris 319.jpg (only broad location) File:Paris 75018 Rue Norvins no 018 Le Consulat z.jpg
File:Smartphone.jpg (generic category) File:Samsung Galaxy Note series (Original, II, and 3).jpg
File:RAS.jpg (acronym or initials) File:Rodrigo Arias Sánchez.jpg
File:Flickr - law keven - Anybody know a Good Dentist^......Happy Furry Friday Everybody...-O))).jpg (no relation to file content) File:Lion-tailed Macaque, Colchester Zoo, England.jpg
File:Louvre 12.jpg (inappropriate for specific content) File:Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci.jpg
3. Poprava očitnih napak v imenih datotek, vključno z napačno črkovanimi lastnimi imeni, netočnimi datumi in napačno prepoznanimi predmeti ali organizmi.[3] File:Ayres Rock 3.png
File:Van Gogh portrait 1787.jpg
File:Unknown insect 02.jpg
File:Ayers Rock 3.png
File:Van Gogh portrait 1887.jpg
File:Hogna radiata 02.jpg
4. Za uskladitev imen nabora slik, tako da se v vseh imenih razlikuje samo en del imena.[4] File:Bhf-BS-Icon.svg
File:Icon HST bs 1.svg
File:Dst symbol.svg
File:BSicon BHF.svg
File:BSicon HST.svg
File:BSicon DST.svg
5. Za spremembo imena datoteke, ki bi bila kršitev pravil in smernic Zbirke, če bi se kot besedilo pojavilo drugje v projektu. To vključuje neutemeljeno vulgarnost, osebne napade/nadlegovanje, očitno oglaševanje in primere, pri katerih bi bil potreben izbris redakcije.[5] File:Stupid fat idiot.jpg
File:Buy now NEW PAINT! 555-6200.png
File:<Name of the person>.jpg
File:2007 pink Honda Accord.png
6. Nekontroverzno vzdrževanje in popravki hroščev, vključno s popravki dvojnih pripon, neveljavnimi ali nepravilnimi priponami, težav z obravnavo znakov in drugih podobnih tehničnih težav.[6] File:Map of Asia.svg.png
File:Computer mouse.jpe
File:Mooncake.jpg, File:Mooncake.JPG
File:Map of Asia.png
File:Computer mouse.jpg
File:Mooncake.jpg, File:Square Mooncake.jpg
Additional information
Please consider creating file redirects instead, where applicable and possible. They are cheap, usually do not break anything and are easily edited or deleted, if required.
  1. Unless there is a compelling reason not to, uploader requests should be honored. This is a courtesy, not an absolute right, however. If a file mover feels that a proposed new name is disruptive or inappropriate, they can suggest a different name or decline the request.

  2. Including:
    1. Absolutely no information at all
      Composed entirely of random letters, numbers, and words like “Flickr”, “original”, and “crop”, which do not describe the subject of the image, but may indicate its upload history.
    2. Only information is the photographer or rights holder
      The only piece of meaningful information is the name of the photographer or the holder of the copyright.
    3. Only information is the date
      Only piece of meaningful information is the date that the photograph was taken on.
    4. Only information is the location (broad)
      The only piece of meaningful information is a broad location, such as a city, province, or country. In this case, the location is so large that an average person would not be able to figure out where the image was taken or what the image depicted, without assistance from someone that knows the area.
    5. Generic category rather than specific item
      The only piece of meaningful information is a word, such as “smartphone” or “screenshot”, which broadly describes the subject of the file, but does not impart any information that would help someone identify the specific object depicted. This is not just restricted to inanimate objects, it also applies to broad titles or groupings, such as “queen” or “bird”.
    6. Acronyms and initials
      The only piece of meaningful information is an acronym or a person’s initials. This differs from “Absolutely no information at all” in that the acronym or initials are related to the subject of the file, even if it takes a second to figure out how.
    7. Names that are not meaningless, but do not describe the file
      Contains a coherent description or message that do not describe the subject of the file. Does not apply in cases where the name of the file is the title given to a work of art by the artist that created it, even if the name has nothing to do with what is depicted (for example, many works of Dadaism).
    8. Images where the information in the filename, while normally acceptable, is inappropriate for the specific content.

    Not including: Specific locations, such as a park, an individual building, or an event.

  3. If an object or organism was incorrectly identified in the filename (such as calling a Sylvilagus floridanus by the name “File:Sylvilagus audubonii.jpg”), this criterion covers renaming the image. If the filename includes words like “unidentified” or “unknown” when describing an object or organism, and that object or organism has been identified, this criterion also covers the change. This criterion does not, however, cover moving a file from its common usage name to its scientific or technical name.

  4. Just because images share a category does not mean that they are part of a set. There are two scenarios that this criterion is designed for. First, certain complex templates (such as those that use BSicons or that display football kits) assume that the images used in them will follow a specific naming convention. Wikisource also uses a specific naming convention for the source files they transcribe. Second, files that form parts of a whole (such as scans from the same book or large images that are divided into smaller portions due to Commons’ upload size restriction) should follow the same naming convention so that they appear together, in order, in categories and lists.

  5. Note that Commons’ neutral point of view differs significantly from that of English Wikipedia. A file like “File:Taiwanese Tiaoyutai islands map.png” would be acceptable on Commons, even though it is not neutrally titled (see here). This does not mean that all non-neutrally worded titles are acceptable, however. An image of a person with the name “File:1BIGGest_nOSE_everS33n.JPG” would not enjoy the same protection.

  6. This is not a catch-all for anything that doesn't fit one of the above. This is for specific technical problems, generally which have a Phabricator task and have been the subject of community discussion.

View →the discussion that led to the selection of these criteria.
NOTE: Please do not use this template directly! This is just for translation. Use {{File renaming reasons}} instead.